Hey all, Rovers development team want an 11 aside friendly on Sunday 23rd Aug. They have suggested a team made up of casual league players. Non of the core team are able to coordinate due to other commitments in Aug. Would anyone be keen to play and or coordinate a team?
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From: bristolstopthewarcoalition-request(a)lists.riseup.net <bristolstopthewarcoalition-request(a)lists.riseup.net> on behalf of Bristol Stop The War Coalition <bristolstopthewarcoalition(a)lists.riseup.net>
Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2020 3:44:11 PM
To: Riseup List <bristolstopthewarcoalition(a)lists.riseup.net>
Subject: [bristolstopwar] Stop The War Online Events
Please send replies/correspondence to: bristolstopwar(a)hotmail.com
Keep to date with Bristol Stop The War activities by signing up to our Facebook page at facebook.com/BristolStopTheWar
Stop the War on Yemen - Stop Arming Saudi Arabia
The government's decision at the start of July to resume arm sales to Saudi Arabia is nothing short of horrifying. Against all the evidence of war crimes by the Saudi-led coalition, a Court of Appeal ruling and a global pandemic which is taking hold in Yemen, the Tories see fit to continue allowing the sales of billions of pounds worth of arms to one of the most autocratic regimes on earth. The decision completely and utterly exposes the hypocrisy at the heart of Britain's foreign policy.
Jeremy Corbyn MP
Iesa Ali - #MarchForYemen
Steve Bell - Stop the War Coalition
Amina Atiq - Yemeni-Scouse Activist
Date: Wednesday 29th July
Time: 19:00
Register: Via The Stop The War website here<http://www.stopwar.org.uk/index.php/events/national-events/3744-29-july-onl…>
Like/Share on Facebook here<https://www.facebook.com/events/991313054671051/>.
Bristol Stop The War Coalition are organising a 'watch party' via our Facebook page<https://www.facebook.com/BristolStopTheWar?_rdr=p>. Join in if you can
For more information email bristolstopwar(a)hotmail.co<mailto:bristolstopwar@hotmail.com>m
A Composition in Memory of the Victims of Hiroshima
Shabaka Hutchings (Sons of Kemet, The Comet is Coming and Shabaka & the Ancestors)
Date: Thursday 6th August
Time: 19:00
Register: Via The Stop The War website here<http://www.stopwar.org.uk/index.php/events/national-events/3747-06-aug-onli…>
August 6th 2020 will mark 75 years since the atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima, killing an estimated 135,000 people. Stop the War will be marking the occasion with a special performance from jazz revolutionary Shabaka Hutchings.
Hutchings, a saxophonist and bandleader (Sons of Kemet, The Comet is Coming and Shabaka & the Ancestors), has created a new composition in response to the devastating events which will be performed exclusively live across Stop the War’s social media platforms. You do not want to miss this unique performance commemorating one of humanity’s darkest moments.
Stop The War have launched a Summer Appeal to raise funds for autumn campaigns. See here for details and how to donate.<http://www.stopwar.org.uk/index.php/news-comment/3729-summer-appeal>
There's always plenty of interesting stuff to read on the Stop The War Coalition website – try these
TV Review – Once Upon A Time In Iraq<http://www.stopwar.org.uk/index.php/news-comment/3751-tv-review-once-upon-a…>
‘Isolated Incidents’: The Legal Absurdity of UK Arms Sales for Saudi War in Yemen<http://www.stopwar.org.uk/index.php/news-comment/3749-isolated-incidents-th…>
For more information email bristolstopwar(a)hotmail.com<mailto:bristolstopwar@hotmail.com>
For more independent news and events outlets, please visit our listpage:
BRISTOL STOP THE WAR GROUP: Bristol Stop The War Coalition meets regularly. Email bristolstopwar(a)hotmail.com for information.
If you would like to get involved, get the date of the next meeting, or enquire about other activities, please email: bristolstopwar(a)hotmail.com
If you know anyone who would like to receive our newsletters please ask them to email the above address with 'subscribe' in the header.
Hey cowgirls,
Just a shout out to say if anyone was after a cow face mask you need to order ASAP or give Steve or Ivan a shout as they are running low again :)
You can order on website or speak to the above
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Hi all,
We will be having an emergency general meeting via zoom on Monday 27th July at 8pm. This is a cowgirls football meeting only to discuss how we select casual league teams for this season.
In the past we have considered allowing teams to remain the same for 2 seasons.
Other players have suggested a self selecting development team.
We can of course just stick to the way we have always done it which is randomly.
If you have any ideas about how you think the teams should be selected please feel to share them prior to the meeting so people can reflect.
Only those at the meeting will be able to vote but I can share ideas from those unable to attend.
Thanks all, Soooooz
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*Training News* thank you to everyone that filled in the survey. We are busy trying to sort everyone out into either Wednesday or Thursday groups. I will finalise this tonight after kids are in bed and training can commence tomorrow if peeps are keen. If you end up in the Wednesday group you will be added to a WhatsApp’s group tonight to check we have enough people able to play tomorrow. Please look out for this and respond. If you are in Thursday group I will message you tomorrow.
I should add groups are around 12-14...so only 10 can play each week and we will rotate so you only miss training every 4-5 weeks
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We discussed going back to training at the QGM this evening. There’s some questions to answer, so if you want to go back to training, answer them! Go go go!
https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/8VM3ZLT <https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/8VM3ZLT>
Do it now. It’ll take 2 mins. We need the answers by the end of Sunday, 12/07/2020.
Cow love,
Becs xxx
Cowgirls meeting tonight will commence at 7:45 as I need to get back from Marcella’s work out at oldbury court but feel free to start at 7:30 for a general chinwag :)
I’ve had no agenda items, so this will be a general catch up.
I can update everyone on the league following our meeting last night.
We will discuss the FA guidelines around grass routes football and how/ when we commence training
I can update everyone on the BLM meetings
There is no immediate need to change the committee as the full club AGM hasn’t yet happened but we can have another discussion about what the new committee structure may look like.
If anyone needs the Zoom details please ask, but it’s just the general cow chat.
See ya later, Soooooz
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Hi all,
For those that need the zoom details for tonight, it’s our normal training chat - see below
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From: Susannah Mallaghan <scruffylittlevera(a)hotmail.co.uk>
Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 1:02 pm
To: Bridget Fenton
Subject: Fwd: [Easton-Cowgirls] Weekly training on zoom
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From: football-women <football-women-bounces(a)eastoncowfolk.org.uk> on behalf of Harriet Hoare via football-women <football-women(a)eastoncowfolk.org.uk>
Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 6:37:33 PM
To: football-women(a)eastoncowfolk.org.uk <football-women(a)eastoncowfolk.org.uk>
Subject: [Easton-Cowgirls] Weekly training on zoom
Hey all!
Hope everyone is doing ok! Just a reminder we are still doing our weekly training on zoom for anyone who wants to join in. Here’s the details:
Meeting ID: 177 329 651
:-) x
Harriet Hoare
(+44) 07709 348 937