Hi Cows, we've got our bi-AGM coming up next month.
*Location* - Easton Community Centre (big hall)
*Date* - Monday 4th December
*Time* - 7:30-9:30
Current agenda items:
- Dedicated bank account for merch team
- Cooking post-game for the 4th's
- Fundraising for a minibus
- Safer spaces policy at HQ
- Bereavement and tragedy policy
- Someone to takover coms with rage kit provider
- Framework on deciding appropriate sponsors
Any more items to add just drop me a pm.
Please share with your teams.
Sam x
Please see bulletin below.
From: bristol_palestine_bulletin-request(a)lists.riseup.net <bristol_palestine_bulletin-request(a)lists.riseup.net> on behalf of Bristol PSC <bristol_palestine_bulletin(a)lists.riseup.net>
Sent: 09 October 2023 22:40
To: Bristol PSC mailinglist - lists.Riseup.Net <bristol_palestine_bulletin(a)lists.riseup.net>
Subject: Bristol & West Palestine Bulletin Mailing 501…..9OCT2023
National PSC statement:-
The events of the past few days did not come out of nowhere.
Palestinians have endured decades of colonial violence and control, mass expulsion, military occupation and apartheid. Generations of Palestinian children have been born into occupation and/or exile.
They have been subjected to constant Israeli military assaults, whether it’s the daily invasions, arrest raids and killings in the occupied West Bank, the mass bombardments of the Gaza Strip, or the indiscriminate violence against Palestinians in the ’48 territory.
Against this backdrop of extreme systematic oppression and deprivation, of course Palestinians will resist, as they always have, in a variety of ways. Over decades they have done this through protests, petitions, and marches; they’ve appealed to the United Nations, the International Court of Justice, and other international bodies; they’ve coordinated and called for BDS campaigns along with their international supporters like us. And yes, over the decades, they’ve sometimes resorted to armed resistance, which is their right, within the framework of international law, as a people under occupation.
International law prohibits attacks on civilians. But those who only condemn such attacks when carried out by Palestinians whilst remaining silent over Israel’s violent imposition of military occupation, which includes the routine killing of civilians, have no moral standing to make such condemnations.
The reality is that no matter how Palestinians resist, they are demonised and vilified, and Israel will continue to try to isolate them as a way to weaken their resolve. That’s why we must stand with Palestinians as the attacks increase.
Join us as we take to the streets of London……
National PSC has called a demonstration in London on Saturday 14th October
As Palestinians continue to resist on the ground, they need, more than ever, a strong global solidarity movement demanding action.
DONATE HERE<https://donate.palestinecampaign.org/>
Please also consider becoming a member of national PSC
JOIN PSC HERE<https://www.palestinecampaign.org/get-involved/join-renew-membership/>
Jonathan Cook
Excellent article on “The West’s hypocrisy” by Jonathan Cook says it all…….
READ FULL ARTICLE HERE<https://jonathancook.substack.com/p/the-wests-hypocrisy-towards-gazas?utm_s…>
Bristol “Right to Boycott” Rally
The government’s 'Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) bill’, otherwise known as the ANTI-BOYCOTT BILL, threatens to erode local democracy, restrict freedom of expression, and undermine campaigns for social and climate justice.
READ MORE HERE<https://righttoboycott.org.uk/>
Bristol held a rally on Saturday 7th October at the Cascade Steps on the Centre. This featured eight speakers plus statements a range of organizations and campaigns, present and historic, which have supported boycott tactics.
Check pictures on Bristol-PSC facebook page HERE<https://www.facebook.com/bristol.psc>
David Miller
Professor David Miller was sacked from Bristol University for teaching about Zionist Islamophobia and supporting Palestinian liberation.
Watch the 3min video to find out more HERE<https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=ZRiLd-9QtZ0&ab_channel=SupportD…>
You can help fight Islamophobia by raising awareness and donating
PLEASE DONATE VIA THIS LINK HERE<https://www.fightingfund.org/supportmiller>
Bristol Palestine Film Festival
The Bristol Palestine Film Festival has been running since 2011.
It takes place every December and showcases an exciting mix of Palestinian films, including documentaries, features and shorts.
This year, we aim to encourage more Arabic speakers to come and enjoy our films, and bring Arabic audiences together to create bridges of cultural networks that support Human rights and Palestinian issues.
We are looking to organise two special film screening events for the Arabic-speaking communities and we need your help and ideas.
FILL IN THIS QUESTIONAIRE NOW<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe26xdO9dHDRLAGsdyIHkfjNylDGJpxNo4…>
The Old Oak
The veteran film-maker Ken Loach<https://www.theguardian.com/film/ken-loach> is famous for storylines that depict life’s bleakest injustices. But his latest film, The Old Oak, about tensions in a former mining village when refugees arrive, has touched a nerve more raw now than when filming began
READ FULL ARTICLE HERE<https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/oct/02/suella-braverman-knows-what-un…>
Checkout Darren Cullen and his “Spelling Mistakes Cost Lives” subversive art projects.
For instance he’s produced a football project about the Occupation
SEE LINK HERE<https://www.spellingmistakescostlives.com/occupation>
His touring exhibition “Hell Bus” will be at UWE Campus later in October
Tuesday 10th October
Stand Up comedy with Palestinian comedians.
A unique night of stand-up comedy featuring top Palestinian performers Alaa Shehada, Hanna Shammas & Diana Sweity on their first UK tour performing in English
7pm doors open for show 7.30-9.00pm
Friday 13th October
3pm-4pm and EVERY Friday
Vigil by the fountains on the Centre BS1 4UZ
Extra supporters very welcome
Emergency Vigil 4pm – 5pm (or longer)
Stand with Palestinians, End the violence, End the Occupation
Cascade Steps, The Centre, Bristol
Share facebook event HERE<https://www.facebook.com/events/3546224005652945/?ref=newsfeed>
Saturday 14th October
Assemble 12pm at BBC, Portland Place, W1A
Share facebook event HERE<https://www.facebook.com/palestinesolidarityuk>
We use public transport
Best deal - MEGABUS: departs Bond Street (at the back of Blacks BS1 3LZ)
Depart Bristol 7.30am arrive London 10.50 £5.99 Return Victoria Coach Station 18.00 £5.99
NATIONAL EXPRESS: departs Bristol Coach Station
Depart Bristol 8.00am arrive London 10.45 Return Victoria Coach Station 18.00 £8.40
Every Saturday & Sunday
Palestine Museum and Cultural Centre
27 Broad Street BRISTOL BS1 2HG
Unique in the western world!
Opening hours every Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 6.00pm.
Also open for sales of Zaytoun and other Palestine-related merchandise.
Monday 16th October
Rally in support of Professor David Miller at his tribunal hearing against unfair dismissal from Bristol University
Read more HERE<https://supportmiller.org/>
12.00 noon until 2.00pm
Outside Bristol County Court, 2 Redcliff St, Redcliffe, Bristol BS1 6GR
BoA Friends of Palestine
Thursday 19th October
Palestine Ambassador and more!
An evening with Dr Husam Zomlot, the Palestine Ambassador plus report of the Tubas delegation. Middle-Eastern meal and refreshments £20
19:00 - 22:00 BST St Margarets Hall, Bradford on Avon
Book by email boafriendsofpalestine(a)gmail.com<mailto:boafriendsofpalestine@gmail.com>.
Via Eventbright with booking fee HERE<https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/talk-by-dr-husam-zomlot-tickets-711465722127>
Thursday 19th October
Palestinian Dabka meets Afro-Caribbean
Palestinian super group duo Ministry of Dub-Key play a special show fusing Palestinian Dabke, Afro-Caribbean beats, Arab electronic and dub sounds.
The Jam Jar, Old Market, Bristol
BOOK TICKETS HERE<https://www.thejamjarbristol.com/events>
Bath Friends of Palestine
Friday 20th October
Arts and Resistance
Dr Sabrin Hasbun plus online Taisir Masrieh Hasbun will discuss how art celebrates Palestinian life resists its destruction.
BOOK TICKETS HERE<https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/art-of-resistance-tickets-722592402327?mc_ci…>
Monday 30th Oct – Wednesday 1st November
The Darren Cullen “Hell Bus” will be at UWE (Frenchay) campus with climate-change irony, Sustainable-Warfare, and much more!
FFI see Facebook Link HERE<https://www.facebook.com/spellingmistakescostlives>
Tuesday 31st October
Bristol-PSC in-person meeting
Join us to plan more Palestine solidarity here in Bristol
7pm at Central Quaker Meeting House, Champion Square, Bristol BS2 9DB.
WE WELCOME YOUR HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Much to plan including Barclays protests, Right to Boycott, Defend David Miller, solidarity with the Elbit-Nine jury trial, and much more!
Recent events show there’s considerable potential support for the Palestine cause here in our city, but engaging with this requires more effort.
The Palestine museum needs more volunteers
Bristol-PSC needs more active supporters
Please get intouch!
With increasing silencing of protest considered troublesome imagine the moment when, say, Facebook closed all Palestine campaign pages?
This email list might be our only means of communication!
Please stay on this list and encourage others to do the same as a back-up!
The Palestine Museum and Cultural Centre
Situated on Broad Street (just off the Centre) in the heart of Bristol this museum was the first of its kind in the Western World!!! FFI HERE<http://palmuseumbristol.org/index.php>. Open weekends 11am-6pm, it's free, stocks a great range of Palestinian products including Zaytoun, and is staffed entirely by volunteers. For more details, or if interested in volunteering, email info(a)palmuseumbristol.org<mailto:info@palmuseumbristol.org>
Other Groups In Our Region
There are Palestine groups around the South-West region including Bath, Bradford-on-Avon, Melksham, Frome, Worcester, Gloucester, Cheltenham, South Somerset, and beyond. Various universities have student groups including Bristol, UWE, and Bath; these depend on the energy of the current students so please get involved.
This bulletin is produced by the Bristol branch of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.
* We meet the last Tuesday of every month (usually except December) 7.00–9.00 pm at Central Quaker Meeting House, Champion Square, Bristol BS2 9DB
* Please “like” our Bristol Psc Facebook page<http://www.facebook.com/bristol.psc>
* Our email is bristolpsc(a)gmail.com<mailto:bristolpsc@gmail.com> or simply reply to this email bulletin.
* Get your friends to join our mailing list - pass on our contact details.
* Email your info for publicity (keep it short and to the format used here)
* Mailing Address Bristol-PSC c/o 35 Jamaica Street BS2 8JP
* We encourage you to join National PSC HERE.
To unsubscribe email us at bristolpsc(a)gmail.com<mailto:bristolpsc@gmail.com>
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) campaigns for justice for the Palestinians. We also advocate for Palestinians' civil, political and human rights, in accordance with international law.
PSC is established to campaign*:
* for the right of self-determination for the Palestinian people
* for the right of return of the Palestinian people
* for the immediate withdrawal of the Israeli state from the occupied territories
* against the oppression and dispossession suffered by the Palestinian people
* in support of the rights of the Palestinian people and their struggle to achieve these rights
* to promote Palestinian civil society in the interests of democratic rights and social justice
* to oppose Israel's occupation and its aggression against neighbouring states
* in opposition to racism, including anti-Jewish prejudice and Islamophobia, and the apartheid and Zionist nature of the Israeli state
This email and any attachments are intended for the named recipient only. If you have received it in error you have no authority to use, disclose, store or copy any of its contents and you should destroy it and inform the sender. Whilst we take every reasonable precaution to screen out computer viruses from emails, attachments to the email may contain such viruses. We cannot accept liability for loss or damage resulting from such viruses.
Hi Cows,
We have been contacted by Thangam's assistant asking if we could meet up with Thangam. Please see the message we received. I hear that there might be some strong feelings about this and so would like to see what people think. If you feel strongly that the Cowgirls should/n't meet her, please share your thoughts on this thread or let one of the committee know. If we agree to meet her and you'd like to meet her, please also share here or let one of us know. It might go to a vote.
She is an avid supporter of the Cowfolk:
Hi Lizzie,
Thanks for getting back.
While she would prefer coming for a training, if her diary doesn't allow it, even a meet up would be nice.
Thangam would love to chat about your experiences as an amateur football team and how participation in sports can be improved particularly from underrepresented communities. As your MP, she is also happy to discuss any other issues you would like to raise with her. I believe 40-45 mins should be a good time for this interaction. If you're happy for us to do so, we will also be taking some photos and videos of the interaction.
If you could let me know your next few training dates, times and location, I can check to see if any of these work for her.
Currently anytime after 4 pm on both the 12th or 13th work for her.
Here is her voting record https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/25402/thangam_debbonaire/bristol_west/rec…
Thangam Debbonaire MP, Bristol West<https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/25402/thangam_debbonaire/bristol_west/rec…>
Read Thangam Debbonaire's contributions to Parliament, including speeches and questions, investigate their voting record, and get email alerts on their activity
Thanks Peta for your swift research!
Love, Lizzie
Hi again all,
I just wanted to clarify that although the teams for the 2023 - 2024 casual league have already been chosen. New players can still join a reserves list, from which captains from the three teams will work down in order to choose new players if current ones become injured or unable to play for other reasons.
If you are interested in being added to the reserves list for this year's casual league, let Hannah or Sensi know.
Thank you,
The committee.
Hello everyone,
I've attached:
* the meeting minutes
* committee roles (have a look and decide if you'd like to put yourself forward for one next January - or suggest to a friend that you think they would be good at one).
* an example casual league year (although sign up for this year has closed, you might want to join this brilliant league for a future season).
Enjoy reading!
The Committee.
Good afternoon, folks,
Please read the minutes from the previous meeting.
Saturday the 16th of September one of the casual league teams Dragons Rock have invited teams from the casual league (and others that are not a part of the league) to join in on a 5aside fundraiser. It is 15pound for the whole team, the one-day tournament takes place in Cardiff Manor Way, some of us are taking a train. The tournament starts at 1pm. And the train departures times from Stapleton Road is 10:35am on the 16th of September, this same train can be picked up from Bristol Temple meads at 10:42am . Please wear your usual football kit that you would usual for training sessions. Cowgirls with Cowfolk football shirts will bring a long theirs for others who do not yet have Cowfolk kit.
This one-day tournament is a great way to meet other teams from the causal league and get a little taster on what football would be like on leagues days in October. I can't stress enough that this is open to all that can participate.
it would be cheaper if we could get a group save ticket. If you can come along, please message Sensi on Whatsapp and to let her know that you are going.
The tournament ends at 4pm, then some of us are heading home to get ready for the fundraiser gig at Ill Repute details in the link https://hdfst.uk/e94961
BEATS4BOOTS at The Ill Repute<https://hdfst.uk/e94961>
A night of Easton Cowfolk DJs at the Ill Repute The Easton Cowfolk are raising money for refugees and asylum seekers to play across the Cowfolk sports teams next season. We believe sport offers friendship and freedom. This project will help with community integration, and foster a sense of security, safety and belonging for refugees. Money will go towards league, ref and pitch fees, football bo…
If you cannot make the one-day tournament in Cardiff, and you can spare some time to help with setting up of Ill Repute, please get in contact with me Sensi. The help that required is people to help with ticket sales on the door of Ill Repute, selling Cowfolk merch. And various other things.
Please share the link with your friends and families.
Much Cow-mitee
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Lizzie Winter <wizzielinter(a)hotmail.com>
Date: 5 September 2023 at 13:31:12 BST
To: Cowgirls <football-women(a)eastoncowfolk.org.uk>
Subject: Second training sessions
Mooooore football please!
Cows are asking for a second training session so I’m collecting preferences of which day. It will be at St Paul’s Academy, outdoors on 7aside Astro pitches at 1930 or 2030, depending on availability. If you don’t have WhatsApp or aren’t in the info chat let me know your preference via email please.
Only vote via one method, email OR WhatsApp poll and the deadline is 1800 Sunday 10 September.
Everyone said it was a great session and it will only work if people attend so please vote and then get yo’ asses down there.
Sent from my iPhone
Just a reminder about the QGM on Monday 4th September 1930-2100 at Easton Community Centre. Unfortunately, Baggator aren't doing food on Mondays so it's straight to the QGM, I'm afraid. Bring snacks if you like and don't be drunk.
Let me know any items for the agenda, so far we have:
* Second training session
* Feedback and hype from Big Ride for Palestine
* New cowmittee members - pastoral, social sec, social media
* Should people only be able to vote if they are present at the meetings?
* Casual league and new players
* Let everyone know about the ethical fund
We go back to City Academy on Thursday 7 September, 1930 for a 1940 start - 2030.
Love from Lizzie