[OOTB-hive] Order of the Bee

Lanre Abiwon el_gigantes at hotmail.co.uk
Fri Feb 3 13:01:45 GMT 2017

Hola Ludwig!  <-- guys, we need to practice spanish! *wink to Jeff, Richard and rest of bees*

Funny you should mention that I just made the same comment to our alfresco team here because we just had a pre-what-to-do-with-the-beecon meeting.
Yo soy mucho gusto :)

Lanre Abiwon
If you do things right, people won’t know that you’ve done anything at all.

On 3 Feb 2017, at 13:54, Cristina Martín Ruiz <cristinamartinruiz at gmail.com<mailto:cristinamartinruiz at gmail.com>> wrote:

Hola Ludwig!  <-- guys, we need to practice spanish! *wink to Jeff, Richard and rest of bees*

So cooooooool!!! Thanks to share with us! 8)

Are you coming to BeeCon2017 (more info here<http://posts.orderofthebee.org/post/156307148814/beecon-2017>) because could be really awesome  if you can bring some of them :D

Cheers from Spain ;-)

2017-02-03 13:44 GMT+01:00 L. David Zuluaga Botero <dzuluaga at apropia.co<mailto:dzuluaga at apropia.co>>:
Dear Bees,

Here I attach a picture that's ordinary and extraordinary.

I saw this while I was talking to my partner about Alfresco-based implementation projects.

This is in Colombia, most exacly Medellín and of course it's in spanish, but I'll tell you what's extraordinary of this pic.

Basically three things:

The first is that there's an Alfresco brand for packaged preserved food, that actually is on this bottle. Not a big deal.
The second is that what it's inside the "Alfresco" bottle, It's actually... can you guess?  Honey bee!
The third is that the company producing this bottles has actually contacted us and we're planning a meeting for Alfresco implementation!

Just wanted to share this with you guys!

It reminds me about our commitment with innovative and open source software as a company and that it is actually great to have a community to grow and share with. Many thanks to you all!

Hope we can meet you soon.

Have a nice day! (Here's still 7:45 am)


Ludwig David Zuluaga Botero
Director Ejecutivo / CEO - APROPIA Open Source
Celular/Mobile: +57 3004916896<tel:+57%20300%204916896>
Correo: dzuluaga at apropia.co<mailto:dzuluaga at apropia.co>
Calle 65 # 55-46 Parque E, Distrito de Innovación. Medellín, Antioquia CP 050010.


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