[OOTB-hive] Order of the Bee

L. David Zuluaga Botero dzuluaga at apropia.co
Fri Feb 3 13:08:09 GMT 2017

HI Cristina,

Of course I am aware of the Beeconf! We really want to be there, and we are
doing everything we can to be there!

Muchas gracias!

*Ludwig David Zuluaga Botero*
Director Ejecutivo / CEO - APROPIA Open Source
Celular/Mobile: +57 3004916896
Correo: dzuluaga at apropia.co
Calle 65 # 55-46 Parque E, Distrito de Innovación. Medellín, Antioquia CP

2017-02-03 8:01 GMT-05:00 Lanre Abiwon <el_gigantes at hotmail.co.uk>:

> Hola Ludwig!  <-- guys, we need to practice spanish! *wink to Jeff,
> Richard and rest of bees*
> Funny you should mention that I just made the same comment to our alfresco
> team here because we just had a pre-what-to-do-with-the-beecon meeting.
> Yo soy mucho gusto :)
> Lanre Abiwon
> _________________________________________
> If you do things right, people won’t know that you’ve done anything at all.
> On 3 Feb 2017, at 13:54, Cristina Martín Ruiz <
> cristinamartinruiz at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hola Ludwig!  <-- guys, we need to practice spanish! *wink to Jeff,
> Richard and rest of bees*
> So cooooooool!!! Thanks to share with us! 8)
> Are you coming to BeeCon2017 (more info here
> <http://posts.orderofthebee.org/post/156307148814/beecon-2017>) because
> could be really awesome  if you can bring some of them :D
> Cheers from Spain ;-)
> 2017-02-03 13:44 GMT+01:00 L. David Zuluaga Botero <dzuluaga at apropia.co>:
>> Dear Bees,
>> Here I attach a picture that's ordinary and extraordinary.
>> I saw this while I was talking to my partner about Alfresco-based
>> implementation projects.
>> This is in Colombia, most exacly Medellín and of course it's in spanish,
>> but I'll tell you what's extraordinary of this pic.
>> Basically three things:
>> The first is that there's an Alfresco brand for packaged preserved food,
>> that actually is on this bottle. Not a big deal.
>> The second is that what it's inside the "Alfresco" bottle, It's
>> actually... can you guess?  Honey bee!
>> The third is that the company producing this bottles has actually
>> contacted us and we're planning a meeting for Alfresco implementation!
>> Just wanted to share this with you guys!
>> It reminds me about our commitment with innovative and open source
>> software as a company and that it is actually great to have a community to
>> grow and share with. Many thanks to you all!
>> Hope we can meet you soon.
>> Have a nice day! (Here's still 7:45 am)
>> Sincerely,
>> *Ludwig David Zuluaga Botero*
>> Director Ejecutivo / CEO - APROPIA Open Source
>> Celular/Mobile: +57 3004916896 <+57%20300%204916896>
>> Correo: dzuluaga at apropia.co
>> Calle 65 # 55-46 Parque E, Distrito de Innovación. Medellín, Antioquia
>> CP 050010.
>> www.apropia.co
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