[OOTB-hive] Alfresco Global Virtual Hack-a-thon 2016 (Jeff Potts)

Angel Borroy angel.borroy at keensoft.es
Fri Jul 29 06:35:33 BST 2016

In my opinion, as member of the add-ons subcommittee, is that hack-a-thons projects are mainly very immature as to be listed.

Maybe is a good chance to put working that “auto-checking” we have to work on, or maybe during this event we can work on the “auto-checking” tool / text.

On my case, I have around 20 different addons in keensoft GitHub, I’m always lacking of time to review and consolidate features. So my criteria is to list only in Alfresco addons those who are mature enough, and left the others as samples or base projects. I mean, being listed in Alfresco addons is required but not all the code should be listed there.


Angel Borroy

email:   angel.borroy at keensoft.es
web:     http://www.keensoft.es
móvil:  +34 655 47 47 55


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