[OOTB-hive] Useful Add-ons and Patches WAS Re: OOTB contribution issues

Andreas Steffan a.steffan at contentreich.de
Tue Aug 2 16:20:37 BST 2016

On 08/01/2016 07:33 PM, Richard Esplin wrote:
> I appreciate Andreas pointing out ALF-20508. I find it interesting that it hasn't been reported by anyone else.

FWIW, there are more JIRA issues "similar" to ALF-20508.

ALF-20876 is another case where I was involved. Dead easy repro on the

Documentation at
http://docs.alfresco.com/5.1/references/API-JS-getPeople.html still says
sorting by lastName should work.

I'm sorry, but it really does not look like somebody cares. :)

Can hardly imagine I'm the only one seeing such things.


Andreas Steffan

Achter Billing 14
22399 Hamburg

skype: deas0815
M: +49 160 4694826
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Contentreich : Alfresco ECM, Clojure, Groovy und WordPress - aus Spaß und für Geld

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