[OOTB-hive] BeeCon - Organization

Martin Cosgrave martin at ocretail.com
Thu May 7 00:50:15 BST 2015

I think you've hit the nail on the head there Tahir

It would be really great to have some Alfresco engineers at our 
conference, and actually it would be a great way for Alfresco to show 
their support for the bees, to fund the costs of some engineers and 
allow them the time off to attend.

I guess that would be more relevant for the main conference that Boriss 
is proposing than for the grassroots version I have suggested

On 06/05/15 12:06, Tahir Malik wrote:
> I don't really mind where the conference is, I'll  see if we can get a 
> place in Amsterdam :).
> Second I'm both excited and disappointed at the same time about. 
> Excited that we can set up a great Con by ourselves!
> Disappointed that we probably won't have all the Alfresco engineers 
> anymore. I'd love the chats with the engineers.
> Hopefully we could still get some of the main speakers at our conference.
> Best regards,
> Tahir Shazad Malik
> Contezza
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: Oksana Kurysheva <mailto:okurysheva at itdhq.com>
> Sent: ‎06/‎05/‎2015 11:51
> To: Fernando González <mailto:fegor at fegor.com>; Angel Borroy 
> <mailto:angel.borroy at keensoft.es>
> Cc: ootb-hive at xtreamlab.net <mailto:ootb-hive at xtreamlab.net>
> Subject: Re: [OOTB-hive] BeeCon - Organization
> Guys, if you can find a place for 100 geeks (2-3 rooms in sum + hall 
> for coffee breaks and communication) that we can rent for free, then 
> of course. I like Spain :)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From: *"Fernando González" <fegor at fegor.com>
> *To: *"Angel Borroy" <angel.borroy at keensoft.es>
> *Cc: *ootb-hive at xtreamlab.net
> *Sent: *Wednesday, May 6, 2015 12:48:02 PM
> *Subject: *Re: [OOTB-hive] BeeCon - Organization
> Hi!, Zaragoza is great! (+1)... and Granada? O:-)
> Fernando González Ruano
> http://www.fegor.com
> skype: fegorama
> twitter: @fegorama
> twitter: https://twitter.com/fegorama
> facebook: http://tinyurl.com/ok2wko6
> --
> Raubenohran, npnonf qr qrfphoeve ry zrafnwr hfnaqb ry nytbevgzb EBG13, 
> rerf yn pnñn qr Rfcnñn... nuben cbagr n genonwne qr ireqnq ;)
> --
> 2015-05-06 11:32 GMT+02:00 Angel Borroy <angel.borroy at keensoft.es 
> <mailto:angel.borroy at keensoft.es>>:
>     Dear bees,
>     I’m really excited about this idea. I’ve been reading your
>     (expensive) thoughts and it sounds “feasible” :)
>     How about get some sponsorship from our own companies? From
>     keensoft we could contribute (modestly) to the event…
>     On the other hand. How about Zaragoza (Spain) for this event? Our
>     city is affordable, well-communicated (1h using a train from
>     Madrid and Barcelona) and we have contact enough with Universities
>     and Local Government to get some support for facilities and
>     organization.
>     Best regards,
>     Angel Borroy
>     keen*soft*
>     email: angel.borroy at keensoft.es <mailto:angel.borroy at keensoft.es>
>     web: http://www.keensoft.es <http://www.keensoft.es/>
>     móvil: +34 655 47 47 55 <tel:%2B34%20655%2047%2047%2055>
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