[OOTB-hive] Is the Order working?

Martin Cosgrave martin at ocretail.com
Mon Nov 10 14:00:45 GMT 2014

Hi Andreas

If you have concrete ideas about how the distro should be built then 
perhaps you could mention them in the distro list.

Reading between the lines, though, it seems to me that you think distro 
should be a bugfix track of the 5.0.x releases and you've previously 
said, if I remember correctly, that you aren't interested in 
contributing to a 4.2.f distro. I'm not sure that many others will agree 
that we shouldn't support 4.2.f with our distro and my personal 
preference would be to wait until 5.0.x stabilises (i.e. coincide with 
the 5.0 enterprise release) precisely to avoid having to fix bugs in the 
5.0.x track. However this is all up for discussion in the distro list.

The last visible activity in the distro list was when I asked members to 
comment on which addons they thought should be included in the distro. I 
had one useful response about what might be termed "learning templates", 
i.e. sample webscripts, behaviours, actions etc., which I think will be 
useful for our "tryout" VMs which we can spin up on demand as well as 
being a variant of distro. The collection of addons distributed with 
distro is something which the wider community probably has a view on so 
I'm going to ask the question again in a separate post to the hive list.

To sum up regarding activity in distro, I think the situation is as follows

 1. Collect a basic list of addons to include in the bee distro
 2. Add these to the vagrant/puppet build
 3. Crucially, write at least 2 or 3 tests per addon to prove that each
    has installed correctly without breaking Alfresco
 4. Build the tests into the vagrant/puppet build

At that point we will be ready to tag the git tree with something like 
"DISTRO_001_42F", and then I envisage the install process being to clone 
the git tree at that tag and to run a script which will apply the puppet 
configuration to the running server. Of course at this point we would 
also be able to provide a packer-built image for deployment to VMware, 
AWS, etc.

After the putative DISTRO_001_42F tag we could support the 5.0.x track 
by changing some config in the puppet setup, reviewing the build and 
fixing any issues arising, then tagging e.g. DISTRO_001_50B. We'd 
obviously need branches at those tag points too, for ongoing bugfixes.

I would love to hear anyone's feedback, positive or negative, regarding 
the above scheme.


On 08/11/2014 12:41, Andreas Steffan wrote:
> I hate to say it, but I don't think so. Could be that I am just missing
> signals, but if they are there, I bet other people miss them as well and
> that is bad.
> I still think the Order is a good thing, but it needs some adjustments.
> I think we need to realize that we have less workforce than expected and
> initial structures may be way too big. Take distro (which I am part of)
> as an example. Working with virtual machines, multiple versions of
> alfresco and amp files is about the biggest start I can think of. Its
> not bad per se, but I feel its pretty oversized for a start.
> I am personally still willing to contribute but contribution has to fit
> in my day to day work. It needs to be quick and easy. Take the 5.0.b
> solr race as an example. It was a quick fix I would have contributed if
> I knew how to do it quickly.
> regards
> Andreas

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