[OOTB-hive] Overlap? - Wiki vs. OOTB-WCM-to-be

Jeff Potts jeffpotts01 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 20 13:18:53 BST 2014

Agreed, Axel, we should leverage the existing wiki and other community
properties as much as possible.


On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 4:43 AM, Axel Faust <axel.faust at prodyna.com> wrote:

>  Hello all,
> So far the consensus appears to gravitate towards being more independent
> than dependent on Alfresco. In that context I pose the following question:
> To what extent – if at all - do we want to utilize the already existing
> Community Wiki for providing additional resources / information?
> I don’t follow the changes all that much, but there was at one time
> supposed to be an active group of community “gardeners” looking over
> certain areas. The last post to the Google Group seems to have been more
> than a year ago though (
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/alfresco-wiki-gardeners).
> While I agree in principle that we should provide any “new services” for
> the community not dependent on Alfresco (in its role as the vendor), I am
> less clear on the boundaries between the “OOTB-WCM-to-be” and the Community
> Wiki. “Information / list of professional Community integrators / service
> providers” (from Trello lists) is one thing I would never want to put into
> wiki.alfresco.com to avoid potential issues for Alfresco. But any
> resources about tutorials, presentations might fit better in the already
> established go-to resource instead of a new platform that first needs to
> gain visibility to become useful.
> Unless the long-term goals include providing a kind of “wiki 2.0”, I
> currently see two options: Use our own for all our activities and introduce
> some additional uncertainty over what the first/best go-to source material
> is, or enhance existing wiki where possible with a likely reduced
> visibility as a concerted community effort.
> I currently tend to prefer the latter option and would see us
> concentrating on providing a platform for stuff that does not fit in the
> existing ones or is a “dedicated service” OOTB provides (e.g. reviewing /
> maintaining list of open source addons, integrators, showcase, special
> downloads…).
> Regards
> Axel
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