[OOTB-hive] Unifying voices

Martin Cosgrave martin at ocretail.com
Thu Jun 12 10:55:58 BST 2014

This mailing list is a good start for collaborating, we can use it to 
decide how we wish to collaborate using Alfresco and how we will proceed 
to do that (just some WCM? full portal like Liferay? an integration with 

Let's thrash out some ideas here and then get together for a Hangout to 
discuss them further.


[1] https://togetherjs.com/

On 12/06/14 00:46, Lanre wrote:
> Hi all
> It would seem we're fractured in terms of ideas and goals for the 
> order to get started.
> Might I suggest that we organise a virtual conference between the 
> members of the current mailing list some-time next month?
> At the moment I really only would like us to focus on just two things 
> for that meeting.
> 1) Unifying all our ideas & voices to define the goals for the ootb
> 2) A collaborative platform on which we should all communicate.
> Regarding the latter, I see Richard is willing to donate a server as 
> am I; but there's no reason not do decide on the collaborative 
> platform before the virtual conference.
> Lanre
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