[OOTB-hive] Organizing our efforts

Daniel Gradecak daniel at gradecak.com
Thu Aug 21 08:51:46 BST 2014

In croatia we have something like "civic associations", not sure how to
translate it correctly. But those associations receive money from the
government and are actually non profit organizations. Such a legal
association might be good for OOTB and Croatia could be our HQ hehe ;)
Kidding but through those kind of associations many work is done, people
are paid for that work etc ... I am sure all of you have something like
that in your countries.

But why not doing such a thing? To be honest there are associations that
are called i.e. "honeycumb lovers", "flower sympathizers", "Java devs" etc
..., I am just trying to explain how it works here, maybe someone will get
new ideas. Even some of the "biggest" croatian footbal teams are civic
associations. But that could be something organized for each country
independently of course.

I agree that the all of us will do work in our spare time simply because we
love it and some of us will need to receive some composations at the end.
Probably finding a legal way to do all that will be good.

On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 7:04 PM, Heiko Robert <
heiko.orderofthebee.info at ecm4u.de> wrote:

>  No. The order of the bee does not accept money. We only accept services
>> and goods.
> hou - I didn't realize. I think this would limit dramatically the ability
> to execute, outcome and the work which could be done in time.
> I think it would be a pitty if the bee work is just done as a hobby done
> by volunteers in their spare time. e.g. as Jan mentioned: who is testing
> and fixiing IE compat issues. What is the target group the bees are working
> for? Aren't these companies and organisations using Alfresco? Who should
> rely on this? I think it is absolutely essential to have a budget to
> sponsor work which needs to be done and not to focus on combining and
> repackaging free addons in another flavor.
>  This was discussed a few days ago:http://www.xtreamlab.net/
>> pipermail/ootb-hive/2014-August/000162.html
> I read and agree to the discussion but I didn't understand that the OOTB
> couldn't be organized like libreoffice. They definitly have a budget and a
> funding to run the organization, create events sponsor travels and pay
> people implementing or fixing missing features if there is a need. This
> doesn't mean every work has to be payed but it would allow us to pay for
> work if there is a need to.
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Daniel Gradecak

+385 99 2248944
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