[OOTB-hive] Status update

Andreas Steffan a.steffan at contentreich.de
Wed Aug 6 09:02:53 BST 2014

On 08/04/2014 08:33 AM, Oksana Kurysheva wrote:
> 1. Our Website
> In the beginning of the last week I discussed the idea of making a
> website with Ole, Boriss, Lanre, Douglas and Martin in IRC. As the
> result I tried to implement the first version of our simple website,
> that should be published before the Office Hours (August, 15) after we
> will discuss all issues and complete it.

Content  aside, I like the look and the simplicity of the website. Great
job !

> Should we add a section for Doug and other Alfresco, Inc managers?
> Most probably, it's worth telling that:
> - we are not strange guys who forked Alfresco Community to become a
> competitor and try to sell own services
> - we don't want to entice Enterprise customers to our side
> - there are a lot of small companies who will never buy Enterprise
> (especially using new pricing) and who are not interesting in Cloud
> offering, and we want to help them, because Alfresco doesn't want to do it
> - so Alfresco Inc. should like us and allow us to use their logo and
> "Alfresco" word :)

> Who is ready to work on the first activity? It's very important but
> looks very difficult for me. And what about Alfresco OOTB edition? Who
> is ready to update the text on the website for this point and start
> working on it?

Even though I don't see a lot of  agreement in the community in general,
I am sure it's still safe to assume everybody running the CE would
appreciate bugfixes and support. I assume that most small businesses
running CE have somebody who can at least fix basic issues with code. I
am one of those guys, and I would really appreciate if the community
would join forces here. Trouble is that bugfixes and support  are
subject of  the EE and this might end up in a collision of interests.  

The current technical infrastructure (public SVN / mirror at github,
Alfresco JIRA,...) and processes are  not designed to support this.

We (as Contentreich) started out with our "own" Alfresco Repo at github
years ago. Practice proved  that in most cases it is far easier to
maintain drop in bugfixes as extension code even though overriding is
extension code is usually more difficult than fixing  the issue right in

If enough people gather around, I will try and push this action further.

Somewhat related I would (just as Peter Löfgren)  appreciate a community
promise from Alfresco regarding features  of the Community  Edition.


Andreas Steffan

Achter Billing 14
22399 Hamburg

skype: contentreich
M: +49 1793903615
T: +49 40 23943542
F: +49 40 23943542


Contentreich : Alfresco WCM / ECM, JEE, Grails

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