[OOTB-hive] Status update

Boriss Mejias tchorix at gmail.com
Tue Aug 5 08:25:58 BST 2014

Hi all,

First of all, a big thank to Oksana for the great work. The website looks
really well, and it helps us to get in rhythm and concretize things for the
order. My thoughts here below:

On 4 August 2014 08:33, Oksana Kurysheva <okurysheva at gmail.com> wrote:

> [...]
1. Our Website
> 1.1. Platform
> [...]

I really prefer we stick to plain HTML until we move to something based on
Alfresco. Moving to Drupal now will give us more work to port it to
Alfresco later.

> [...]
> For example, list of ideas for new addons and list of addons that are
> under development now should be done in a Wiki style. Can we use Alfresco
> Wiki page for it as it was with Hackathon projects?

Same comment as Marsbard here. The idea would be not to replace addons,
alfresco.com, but be a filter of it, with reviews and tests.

> [...]
> 1.2. More info about the Order
> Should we mention somewhere that "we just start working, so don't worry
> that there is no content"? :)

I also agree with marsbard here. We better don't give that image of "under
construction" but not really doing anything. Better to show the work in
progress through updates on the site.

> Should we add a section for Doug and other Alfresco, Inc managers? Most
> probably, it's worth telling that:
> - we are not strange guys who forked Alfresco Community to become a
> competitor and try to sell own services
> - we don't want to entice Enterprise customers to our side
> - there are a lot of small companies who will never buy Enterprise
> (especially using new pricing) and who are not interesting in Cloud
> offering, and we want to help them, because Alfresco doesn't want to do it
> - so Alfresco Inc. should like us and allow us to use their logo and
> "Alfresco" word :)

Yes... this could be a section with two short bullet-lists: 1. What we
target 2. What we don't target nor want.
Maybe a third list with 3. What we don't want but we might be force to :),
here I'm thinking of forking Alfresco.

>  [...]
> 4. Members
> 4.1. Who are the members?
> [...]

I really would like to be inclusive with Alfresco engineers. There are many
of them where the discussion is very constructive. To cite some of them, I
have excellent experiences in technical discussion with Toni de la Fuente
and Peter Monks.

I like the idea of "observers" proposed by Jeff, but I believe the status
of "member" is more inclusive and it will really engage them if they want
to join. I already presented the idea of the order to Toni before the
summer and he was very positive about it. If we want to prevent too much
influence from the company, we could simply put a limit (as discussed with
Cristina yesterday at lunch) on the amount of members with vote, for
instance, limit it to a third.

While we are talking about members and voting... why do we need this? Well,
I see the goal of the order as a way to organize the community. To give
some governance to it. Sometimes we will need to take some decisions about
listing an addon or not, or listing an integrator, or even deciding if we
need to fork. Being organized now will help us to have a more united and
moving community.

Regarding Richard, placing him as the bee-keeper can help us to deliver our
message better to the Alfresco managers. The message is that Alfresco needs
its community, it benefits from it, and that we, as order of the bee, want
to collaborate with Alfresco to make that synergy even better. This of
course, with a good compromise from Alfresco regarding the Community

I think those are the thoughts I needed to communicate at this point.

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