Hi Cows,
We have been contacted by Thangam's assistant asking if we could meet up with Thangam.
Please see the message we received. I hear that there might be some strong feelings about
this and so would like to see what people think. If you feel strongly that the Cowgirls
should/n't meet her, please share your thoughts on this thread or let one of the
committee know. If we agree to meet her and you'd like to meet her, please also share
here or let one of us know. It might go to a vote.
She is an avid supporter of the Cowfolk:
Hi Lizzie,
Thanks for getting back.
While she would prefer coming for a training, if her diary doesn't allow it, even a
meet up would be nice.
Thangam would love to chat about your experiences as an amateur football team and how
participation in sports can be improved particularly from underrepresented communities. As
your MP, she is also happy to discuss any other issues you would like to raise with her. I
believe 40-45 mins should be a good time for this interaction. If you're happy for us
to do so, we will also be taking some photos and videos of the interaction.
If you could let me know your next few training dates, times and location, I can check to
see if any of these work for her.
Currently anytime after 4 pm on both the 12th or 13th work for her.
Here is her voting record
Thangam Debbonaire MP, Bristol
Read Thangam Debbonaire's contributions to Parliament, including speeches and
questions, investigate their voting record, and get email alerts on their activity
Thanks Peta for your swift research!
Love, Lizzie