[OOTB-infra] Sharing sensitive information

Heiko Robert heiko.orderofthebee.info at ecm4u.de
Wed Feb 18 17:56:51 GMT 2015

Hi Martin,

I'm a fan of keepass it's very powerful, secure, convenient, multiuser 
aware, can sync but is not available on linux :-(. I share some kdbx 
files on my mobile, laptop and mac at home. One work around could be to 
store this on a samba share in our infra to access/open that from the 
winVM and from connected VPN users at the same time.

Not so convenient and powerful but web based I found
* http://www.teampass.net/
* https://clipperz.is/open_source/

both are open source, widly used but I don't have experience with it.


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