[OOTB-hive] Any thoughts on OOTBee owning projects or OOTBee access to Maven Central

Andrea Barisone brsndr1974 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 18:44:19 GMT 2016

Hi all,
I completely agree with Jeff because it is easier to have many dependencies
hosted on Maven Central, for ease of use.
I've experienced myself some difficulties and a lot of time spent to have
Alfresco dependencies mirrored on our internal Nexus, since for security
reasons we can't directly access external repositories.


Il giorno lun 7 nov 2016 alle 19:36 Jeff Potts <jeffpotts01 at gmail.com> ha

> I recently published several of my add-ons to Maven Central for that
> reason. It's just easier for people to consume.
> Jeff
> On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 12:32 PM, Axel Faust <axel.faust.g at googlemail.com>
> wrote:
> Hello Angel,
> thanks for the reaction. Maven Central would be important to ensure you
> can simply use Alfresco SDK without needing to add any custom repositories.
> Alfresco SDK - as far as I know - only provides the Alfresco artifacts
> repository as a custom repository, and any AMPs / JARs not available via
> this repository or Maven Central can not be included in builds unless a
> user manually adds a <repository> tag to their project POM.
> Regards
> Axel
> On 7 November 2016 at 19:25, Angel Borroy <angel.borroy at keensoft.es>
> wrote:
> Hi, all
> Sorry, those messages are buried down hundreds of reminders and tasks…
> In my opinion, it’s a nice idea to have an OOTBee github repository with
> contributed projects. I’ll include my own under this structure.
> Related to Maven Central… I don’t see the point of having it published
> there, maybe because I’m using Alfresco SDK. Which are the advantages to
> have artifacts published?
> Thanks and sorry for my delay.
> Cheers,
> Angel Borroy
> keen*soft*
> email:   angel.borroy at keensoft.es
> web:     http://www.keensoft.es
> móvil:  +34 655 47 47 55
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> El 7 de noviembre de 2016 a las 19:21:38, Axel Faust (
> axel.faust.g at googlemail.com) escribió:
> Hello all,
> in October I asked about comments / thoughts on two topics that might be
> relevant to handle for the Order of the Bee:
> 1) The question of "if" and "how" projects could be owned by OOTBee / be
> transferred to it (
> https://xtreamlab.net/pipermail/ootb-hive/2016-October/000906.html)
> 2) OOTBee publishing artifacts to Maven Central and how that should be
> handled (
> https://xtreamlab.net/pipermail/ootb-hive/2016-October/000907.html)
> There has been zero feedback which can either mean that there is no
> interest in doing any of it at all, or that there is perfect agreement with
> everything that I suggested / put forward. It is difficult to judge which
> one is true though I tend to assume the former rather than the latter.
> So - a friendly reminder for anyone that may have something to add /
> discuss.
> Regards
> Axel
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