[OOTB-hive] [ADDONS] What do we want from an Order-managed addon listing?
Douglas C. R. Paes
douglascrp at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 02:20:29 BST 2016
I liked the self certified add-on idea.
Em qui, 21 de jul de 2016 13:30, Jeff Potts <jeffpotts01 at gmail.com>
> One more thing...
> The process I described sets up a simple hierarchy of add-ons:
> Un-trusted or Self-published: Add-ons that are freely-available in the
> wild, on GitHub, on addons.alfresco.com, etc.
> Self-certified: Add-ons that the owner says meet all of the "must" items
> on the OOTB Add-ons Best Practices Checklist
> OOTB Approved: Add-ons that the Order of the Bee have agreed by voting
> that an Add-on does indeed meet all of the must items.
> Jeff
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 11:24 AM, Jeff Potts <jeffpotts01 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I don't think anyone is proposing that the order has to test or fix any
>> add-on.
>> What is being proposed is that we have some sort of process for vetting
>> add-ons, and Axel is pointing out that simply having a list hasn't been
>> enough. It requires volunteers to actually look at each add-on and evaluate
>> it against the objective criteria Axel has compiled.
>> I think what has been lacking are volunteers to do that work and a
>> prioritized list of add-ons that need to be vetted.
>> Perhaps people who own those add-ons should be the ones to make a first
>> pass at the criteria. Have them self-evaluate. Then they can be the one to
>> submit their add-on to the community with a "self-certification" that it
>> meets the criteria. The group can then spot-check their favorite "must"
>> items and vote +1/-1 on including the add-on. A down vote due to the
>> failure to meet a "must" item must be addressed, then the submitter can
>> request again.
>> This hopefully reduces the burden on the addons committee and
>> automatically narrows the list of add-ons to those who are motivated enough
>> to do their own check against the list and hopefully make improvements in
>> their code.
>> If we do a good job communicating the value of being an OOTB-vetted
>> add-on but an add-on owner still doesn't think it is worth the effort to be
>> listed, that probably means they aren't invested enough in that project.
>> And if that's the case, we don't really want their add-on on this list. And
>> if it's a good add-on that has simply been abandoned, some other community
>> member can fork it, self-certify it, and submit it.
>> Jeff
>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 6:30 AM, Tahir Malik <tahir.malik at contezza.nl>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Axel,
>>> I want to propose a different setup for our Addons community.
>>> Instead of thoroughly testing other people's code and fixing it where
>>> needed we should add all the (functional) working Addons in the edition and
>>> fix the addons when they seem to have a problem.
>>> This could eather be in the github issues or we forward the issues to
>>> the rightfull addon's party and help them fix it.
>>> So what you'll get is that instead of having 3 addons, you'll have at
>>> least 15 addon's which will definitely have more value than what we
>>> currently have.
>>> And I think we should next to Addons also add Patches to the list. I've
>>> created multiple patches in the past (and still do) on community and we
>>> should just bluntly add them and take the responsibility to fix them if
>>> needed.
>>> If too much issues with them, discard them.
>>> So the goal is exactly the same, only the approach it different and
>>> you'll have more result in less time and hopefully will have a compellingly
>>> more valuable honeycomb edition than we now have at the moment :).
>>> To put this further we should have a pre-req list for these addons:
>>> - Should be running on at least one client production system
>>> - We should have at least tested the addon functionally
>>> - etc.
>>> The same for Pathes and we need to make sure that we can supply the
>>> Addons/Patches on different Alfresco Versions.
>>> So the puppet/docker config should keep a list for each Alfresco version.
>>> Next to this I want to in the future let our team create Addons, that
>>> could be 1 fully new addons we decide (let's say in the hackaton) or 2
>>> pickup half working addons from the community and make it work.
>>> Best regards,
>>> [image: Contezza]
>>> *Tahir Shazad Malik*
>>> *email* tahir.malik at contezza.nl
>>> *mobile* +31 (0)6 14 77 50 82
>>> *office* +31 (0)848 68 89 02
>>> *website* www.contezza.nl
>>> [image: linkedIn] <http://nl.linkedin.com/in/tsmalik/> [image: Twitter]
>>> <http://twitter.com/tahirshazad/>
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Axel Faust
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, July 21, 2016 12:48PM
>>> *To:* Ootb-hive
>>> *Cc:*
>>> *Subject:* [OOTB-hive] [ADDONS] What do we want from an Order-managed
>>> addon listing?
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> as our previous ADDONS mailing list was closed due to inactivity, it is
>>> time to contemplate the state / future of the committees work.
>>> Initially, the committee was set up to compose, review and manage a list
>>> of Community addons / tools that we as the Order can recommend to users of
>>> Alfresco either because they fit a very specific niche of features, are
>>> qualitatively exception or simplify specific use cases immensely. In
>>> comming up with a process / guideline to review and accept addons in such a
>>> list we had some discussions about criteria but little concrete progress
>>> was made. At some point I started to compile a draft criteria catalogue (
>>> https://github.com/OrderOfTheBee/addons/wiki/Inclusion-criteria-overview)
>>> to help me structure my ideas and be used as a concrete basis for
>>> additional debate. Response had been mixed, I created two addon reviews as
>>> showcases and asked others to try and use the catalogue for their own
>>> reviews to gather feedback as well as input for potential changes (both
>>> detail or general direction).
>>> Since then, nothing has really happened in the committee. For me it
>>> became clear that I could do little to encourage others to either try their
>>> hand at a review or come up with a concrete counter-proposal of how we want
>>> to go about compiling a list. Additionally, I was burdened with a higher
>>> load at work and didn't really find the time to continue doing reviews by
>>> myself, and neither wanted to since doing stuff unilaterally defeats the
>>> purpose of a committee / the Order. I am confident I can rectify my problem
>>> with the work load now that there'll be a couple changes in my work life.
>>> But engagement by other members is still crucial and initiative has yet to
>>> been demonstrated in this particular area.
>>> My question(s) to you now:
>>> - Do we still (want to) consider it an objective of the Order of the
>>> Bee, to compile a list of addons / tools that have been qualitatively
>>> evaluated (in some sort), and to have that list provide added value over
>>> what is already provided by addons.alfresco.com or any potential
>>> tool that may be introduced with the new community platform?
>>> - How do we want to go about compiling such a list?
>>> And here I don't mean minute details (GitHub issues vs. whatever
>>> task listing), but questions about "output artifacts" (what is part of the
>>> listing), "inclusion criteria", "distribution of effort", "committment to
>>> review schedule / targets"
>>> - Who wants to (regularily) take part in addons-related activities
>>> within the Order (and hasn't previously been aware of what you could do)?
>>> Regards
>>> Axel
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>>> Follow Contezza on LinkedIn
>>> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/contezza-informatiemanagement> or
>>> Twitter <https://twitter.com/contezzaim>!
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Douglas C. R. Paes
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