[OOTB-hive] Minutes from today's board meeting

Jeff Potts jeffpotts01 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 20:17:14 BST 2016

Here are the minutes from today's board meeting.


Date: 7/21/2016
Attendees: Martin, Oksana, Axel, Jeff.

1. Follow-up on actions from last meeting
    o Boriss: Initiate a vote regarding board member term length. (CMPL)
    o Jeff: Create a roadmap/diagram for honeycomb, by 6/24. (CMPL)
    o Axel: Propose infrastructure use case to public group (CMPL)
    o Axel: Needs to bootstrap add-ons review. (CMPL)

2. Hack-a-thon
    o Virtual Hack-a-Thon was proposed for mid-September
    o Maybe OOTB should drive this
    o OOTB could potentially provide some infrastructure to help with this
    o IRC-based mentorship

3. “State of the Committee” detail round-robin
    o Marketing
        o Blog posts continuing.
        o Need to find a place for our leftover BeeCon funds. Exploring two
    o Infrastructure
        o Martin has been exploring Artifactory and Jenkins on his own
        o Will publish artifacts.orderofthebee.org on his server for now
until the infrastructure issues are worked out.
        o Consolidated all of the mailing lists is complete.
    o Distribution
        o Nothing to report this meeting.
    o Addons
        o Starting to get feedback about re-energizing add-ons reviews.
Waiting for more.
        o Hoping to do one or two evaluations to test the criteria.
    o Governance
        o Nothing to report this meeting.

Next meeting: 8/18/2016
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