[OOTB-hive] Honeycomb vision revised

Heiko Robert heiko.orderofthebee.info at ecm4u.de
Thu Jul 21 17:19:35 BST 2016

Hi Jeff,

I'd like more to emphasize the direction in point 1 by removing the
"Critical" from fixes or better: I would prefer the word "patches"
(Without critical) since patches are pain in the ass but necessary to
fix a lot of bugs but also to work around hard coded, incomplete or
missing features. Since files can be patched only once this should be
organized by the bees or any other independant skilled team everybody
may rely on. All patches should be included in one single project
providing artefacts to deploy like a jar or amp.

Honeycomb should be -as- the stablilized version of Alfresco Community
Edition as you already described in your last sentence.

What do you think?


Am 18.07.2016 um 21:15 schrieb Jeff Potts:
> A lot of people have weighed in on the original thread in which I
> proposed a vision for Honeycomb. Thank you so much! It continues to be a
> good discussion.
> After reading and considering each response, I'd like to propose this
> revised vision for Honeycomb, which appears below.
> As you read this, please separate your thoughts about what's been done
> in the past and the hurdles (such as infrastructure) that complicate
> achieving what is outlined and instead decide whether or not this is the
> *vision* we are all working towards for Honeycomb.
> If we can get consensus on this, we can figure out what the immediate
> next steps are on the path to achieving this.
> Jeff
> The Vision for OOTB's Honeycomb Distribution:
> 1. Honeycomb should be Alfresco Community Edition plus the best of what
> the community has to offer.
> Honeycomb includes:
>  - Add-ons we feel like should be included in every install (example:
> the JavaScript Console).
>  - Critical fixes that Alfresco hasn't put in Alfresco CE.
> The goal should be to be additive and to avoid a complete fork, if possible.
> Honeycomb is transparent about exactly what is included, where it came
> from, how to report issues, how to help fix issues, and how to disable it.
> 2. Honeycomb is a distribution of Alfresco Community Edition. It has no
> opinion about how you choose to install the software.
> Honeycomb must be easy to install with no requirements for extra tools
> and no dependencies on deployment choices (such as virtualization).
> The goal of Honeycomb is to be an easy choice for people, whether they
> are installing locally to experiment with, to assist with developing
> add-ons, or running in production.
> There are many ways to run Alfresco. Honeycomb is not opinionated about
> such things. If you want to automate the Honeycomb installation with a
> tool of your choice or you want to run it in a container or on a virtual
> machine, you can obviously do that, and the community would be happy if
> you made your efforts publicly available, but those efforts are not
> in-scope for Honeycomb.
> 3. Honeycomb should be as stable as Alfresco Community Edition, making
> it suitable for running in production for the same use cases and
> implementation patterns as Alfresco Community Edition.
> Honeycomb is not experimental. It is not only for developers. It is not
> an evaluation copy. It is a quality distribution with at least as much
> stability as Alfresco CE and is potentially even more stable.
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