[OOTB-hive] Honeycomb vision revised

Douglas C. R. Paes douglascrp at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 00:53:06 BST 2016

I liked it

Em seg, 18 de jul de 2016 às 16:15, Jeff Potts <jeffpotts01 at gmail.com>

> A lot of people have weighed in on the original thread in which I proposed
> a vision for Honeycomb. Thank you so much! It continues to be a good
> discussion.
> After reading and considering each response, I'd like to propose this
> revised vision for Honeycomb, which appears below.
> As you read this, please separate your thoughts about what's been done in
> the past and the hurdles (such as infrastructure) that complicate achieving
> what is outlined and instead decide whether or not this is the *vision* we
> are all working towards for Honeycomb.
> If we can get consensus on this, we can figure out what the immediate next
> steps are on the path to achieving this.
> Jeff
> The Vision for OOTB's Honeycomb Distribution:
> 1. Honeycomb should be Alfresco Community Edition plus the best of what
> the community has to offer.
> Honeycomb includes:
>  - Add-ons we feel like should be included in every install (example: the
> JavaScript Console).
>  - Critical fixes that Alfresco hasn't put in Alfresco CE.
> The goal should be to be additive and to avoid a complete fork, if
> possible.
> Honeycomb is transparent about exactly what is included, where it came
> from, how to report issues, how to help fix issues, and how to disable it.
> 2. Honeycomb is a distribution of Alfresco Community Edition. It has no
> opinion about how you choose to install the software.
> Honeycomb must be easy to install with no requirements for extra tools and
> no dependencies on deployment choices (such as virtualization).
> The goal of Honeycomb is to be an easy choice for people, whether they are
> installing locally to experiment with, to assist with developing add-ons,
> or running in production.
> There are many ways to run Alfresco. Honeycomb is not opinionated about
> such things. If you want to automate the Honeycomb installation with a tool
> of your choice or you want to run it in a container or on a virtual
> machine, you can obviously do that, and the community would be happy if you
> made your efforts publicly available, but those efforts are not in-scope
> for Honeycomb.
> 3. Honeycomb should be as stable as Alfresco Community Edition, making it
> suitable for running in production for the same use cases and
> implementation patterns as Alfresco Community Edition.
> Honeycomb is not experimental. It is not only for developers. It is not an
> evaluation copy. It is a quality distribution with at least as much
> stability as Alfresco CE and is potentially even more stable.
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Douglas C. R. Paes
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