[OOTB-hive] Thoughts on Honeycomb that need your input
Heiko Robert
heiko.orderofthebee.info at ecm4u.de
Wed Jul 13 19:55:23 BST 2016
Hi Martin,
I'm sorry to hear you've been ill for a long time but nice to hear
you're back on track ;-)
We should try to not overload our goals or block our resource with
infrastructure work to keep running with our primary aim:
create tested, robust wars, CE bug patches, amps, jars
Instead of waiting to get ready with a complex infrastructure -
shouldn't we create a OOTB wide prio list what service is really missing
to push our main goal forward (e.g. set up a jenkins vm)? Then we could
decide on which tasks to work in which sequence step by step.
Concerning your infra architecture suggestion:
The main difference to the infra of today is to replace esxi with KVM.
Both have their advantages and disadvantages but both provide more or
less the same service. KVM is free / open source but more complex /
requires more manual steps and components to manage. ESXi is free but
not open source. In real live I've never seen KVM running in production
except at hosting companies. I guess it would be easier to learn or to
get someone on board with esx skills rather than KVM. On the other hand
qemu allows to easily create / convert to common virtualisation systems
but qemu can be used independant from KVM if people want something else
than OVF images.
If open source is the only argument not to keep the existing
infrastructure I'm not convinced to switch horses (now) if on the other
hand this requires more time to manage, to learn and more advanced
skills independant from our main goal.
Am 12.07.2016 um 21:43 schrieb martin at bettercode.com:
> Hi All
> tl;dr. Sorry you didn't like my puppetry. Docker's nice like that but
> you're missing something. If Honeycomb is artifacts then we need an
> artifact server. KVM plus Docker + artifact server + Jenkins + an
> instance or two of Alfresco running would make a party on our server
> hardware.
> Wow, what a thread. I really don't want to pick it all to pieces but
> I'll say a couple of things.
> Firstly, I'm sorry that I have not had a chance to get into this debate
> sooner. I've been very ill for some weeks, but I am mostly recovered now.
> Originally I put together a proof of concept of a puppet build.
> Mistakenly I put this under the OOTB github group, I shouldn't really
> have done that. Anyway if I recall the timeline correctly, that's when
> Andreas mentioned he didn't like Puppet for that job and preferred
> Docker. At that point I started work on my own puppet-alfresco project
> and waited for some other suggestions to appear in the distro group that
> I could get behind. There was not a single other suggestion. If I recall
> correctly I didn't even announce working on my own project nor announce
> any progress of it to the group. At some point Daren joined in my
> efforts and we started thinking about it as a form of easily getting
> Alfresco into the hands of the target market we both know, that of small
> businesses.
> Eventually I suppose we started thinking about it between ourselves as
> Honeycomb, I think at some point we asked for contributors to it in that
> context, obviously none appeared. But neither was there any further
> overt pessimism for the project; we supposed that perhaps the lack of a
> "1.0" version number was putting people off trying it. Thus in the weeks
> approaching last year's June global hackathon we put a lot of effort
> into putting together something we could call "production ready" in the
> sense that you could run the installer on a bare metal box and end up
> with a decent Alfresco install, firewalled, reverse proxy, installed
> mysql server, installed mail server (in a limited sense... you'd better
> not be on an IP which is listed in an RBL!) and SSL certificate
> installation. And so we dared to call it "Honeycomb 1.0". And you'd
> better believe I was seriously proud of the efforts of Daren and myself.
> But I'm seriously not wedded to it. Here's what I learned about puppet
> for this job along the way. It's hard to understand how puppet does
> things, and so it's hard to pick up new developers. Even when you know
> it it's pretty hard to get it right. Development lifecycle is really
> slow because sometimes you need to clear right down and start again to
> be sure that the resources are being applied correctly. But by $DEITY,
> it really makes a rock solid install, I'd say orders of magnitude better
> than shell scripts. You can interrupt the installation at any point
> (with the notable exception of while in the install phase of the
> underlying package manager, typically that breaks with the same
> frequency as it does if you interrupt the package manager while running
> it directly) and when you re-run it it will recover, no errors from
> attempting to reapply users, packages, whatever.
> While developing puppet-alfresco I started using Foreman, which is kind
> of an open source version of Puppet Enterprise (plus a lot more) and
> noticing it used puppet for its own installer, I felt at least partially
> vindicated. However without mindshare and hence more developers it was
> clear that this was not really going to be a viable approach for an
> Alfresco installer, especially given the rate of change of the
> underlying OS distros and also Alfresco themselves.
> So hooray, Daren and I held the poison chalice of "de facto Honeycomb"
> for a bit. I'll be glad to put it down, it's getting a bit heavy.
> As to docker-alfresco, I think Daren threw a bit of a curve ball in the
> thread above by mentioning it. It's not supposed to be Honeycomb, it
> never was. It arose because I was baffled that the only thing that
> anyone could think to do with Alfresco in conjunction with Docker was to
> stuff everything into one container. By this time $DAYJOB was in devops
> in a company that was struggling with scale and desperately trying to
> work out how to break their monolithic apps into bits, not exactly
> microservices, but at least be able to scale the different parts of it
> separately. I wanted that for Alfresco and for me the docker-alfresco
> project is that, I wanted the freedom to be able to fire up N different
> hosts and move bits of the Alfresco monolith between different hosts, to
> reduce IO contention, memory contention etc. as appropriate, and to be
> able to choose configurations based on predicted load patterns. Ideally
> the dream part of that would be to migrate the pieces at runtime
> transparently, but even being able to choose on which hosts to place
> each part of the monolith at startup would be great, and Daren in
> particular did some cool experiments about what could go where, based
> across 3 hosts if I recall. Anyway it's not Honeycomb and it never was.
> Also, seriously, I get that Docker makes a great lightweight VM
> environment but if all you do is use it like that then you're missing
> the best bits.
> As to grua, yeah at the time docker-compose couldn't do container
> startup ordering and dependencies, and if you start repo up before the
> database it's just going to bring pain. But now docker-compose can do
> that, so really, grua isn't needed for that anymore and docker-alfresco
> could be refactored very easily to just use docker-compose, which would
> probably help in scaling efforts with docker-swarm. Again, to use Docker
> as I believe it is intended to be used, you definitely need *some* kind
> of composition.
> I mean I can't be the only one that in my mind's eye has community
> Alfresco having some kind of clustering in the not too distant future,
> can I? The only one that believes the community version could be a
> properly scaleable engine that could handle challenges that might today
> be considered "enterprise"? Meh, maybe I am, but I hope not. Today's
> enterprise challenges are the ones that tomorrow we will need in the
> community landscape, sure as night follows day.
> Jeff's right, the original goal of Honeycomb was to be a collection of
> addons which we considered should be installed in every Bee Alfresco.
> Problem was we never got the infrastructure together. If we could have
> had an easy to use infrastructure this would all turned out very
> differently. Even in the puppet-alfresco build Daren and I constantly
> asked "Where should we get this WAR from?", "This plugin is only in
> source, should we compile it during the installer?", "What happens if
> there's a zombie apocalypse?" (well no that last one was Jeff at Beecon
> but we were definitely thinking along the same lines).
> What we need is our own artifact repository, and a CI process that can
> build the artifacts we need, including the share and repo WARs as well
> as all the plugins we want, including wherever possible running a test
> suite (perhaps forking addon projects where necessary to add unit tests
> where practical), preferably including integration testing against a
> full install of "Honeycomb Alfresco" with all our plugins installed (UI
> testing as well as potentially webscript testing where we have exposed them)
> To that end, Daren and I have again been beavering away in our own
> direction. We just can't help ourselves ;-) . Recently I hired a server
> at Hetzner, the same provider the current infrastructure is supposed to
> be on. It's a tadge smaller than what we have I think at 24GB RAM
> (incidentally that now costs around 35EUR/mth so we might consider a new
> larger server for ourselves since we actually have no infrastructure on
> ours yet) and I think that my experiments have yielded a pretty good way
> to move forward with infrastructure.
> I've used Ubuntu at every layer, no reason, I just like it and this
> server is just for me. Also all my puppet manifests for my personal
> servers are based around Ubuntu. Perhaps CentOS would be a better choice
> for OOTBee as they change the underlying distro much less often.
> On the base server I've used qemu-kvm. Jeff mentioned OpenVZ which did
> come from a conversation with me, since I've been using this at home for
> some time, however, it's a sort of pre-Docker containerization, not full
> VMs, and it's getting a bit long in the tooth, and hardly likely to get
> more love with Docker in the space. KVM does give full VM separation,
> and it's free as in speech as well as free as in beer, which I really
> believe that as a free as in beer and speech project ourselves we should
> strive to committing to as an "ideology" for want of a better word. If
> needed you can run Windows on it too which you can't with OpenVZ.
> Usability-wise, well as far as native apps go, pretty much only Linux is
> directly supported, with a very full-featured app called 'virt-manager'
> ( https://virt-manager.org/ ). Apparently it's possible to get it
> working on a Mac too but I couldn't. Instead, I found the next best
> thing, a great web interface ( https://www.webvirtmgr.net/ - seems to
> have a bum SSL cert right now) that gives you full control over the VMs
> including being able to launch VNC console sessions from the web browser.
> Key parts of the internal architecture - I've allocated about half of
> the RAM to Docker (although KVM lets you scale RAM up and down
> dynamically for individual VMs) and about 4GB to an OOTBee Alfresco
> instance (of puppet-alfresco, but could be any install we like), 2GB for
> a mysql server (not expecting heavy loads, also could be postgresql if
> we like). A few Gig more (not really scaled it yet, and not settled on
> which artifact server) for Jenkins CI and either Nexus or Artifactory.
> Daren's been playing with Nexus and I have tried Artifactory. The pro
> version of Artifactory has loads of nice features but we will be using
> the free version, I'm not sure it brings anything more to the table than
> Nexus does but a little bit more experimentation will tell.
> Jenkins can use either Docker or KVM to provide build slaves on demand
> when necessary so that seems like quite a win. In case you're not
> familiar with Jenkins or CI in general, it will watch a source tree,
> e.g. github, for changes and automatically pull them and try to build,
> test and install the resultant artifact into the artifact server, or die
> trying.
> In use, almost nothing is exposed externally, except for a VPN port, a
> putative reverse proxy to access the internal Alfresco instances, and
> also whatever we decide to expose as ports on our single IP address (at
> least the artifact server will need to be represented, if not via the
> reverse proxy). If you are invited to work on infrastructure, you would
> be issued keys to connect to our VPN which would either be OpenVPN or
> tinc, and then you would have for example a address (or
> whatever we choose) to gain access to the internal systems.
> That then is my recommendation for how we proceed with the
> infrastructure architecture. I welcome your comments with anticipation.
> Now I'm supposed to be $GERUND_EXPLETIVE convalescing so I had better
> get back to that ;-)
> Cheers
> Martin
> --
> martin at bettercode.com
> On Tue, 12 Jul 2016, at 06:04 AM, Andreas Steffan wrote:
>> Thanks Richard!
>> I hope things around Alfresco containerization will start to settle soon.
>> Would be very awesome if people working with them could build on top
>> of each other.
>> Regards
>> Andreas
>> Andreas Steffan
>> Achter Billing 14
>> 22399 Hamburg
>> Germany
>> skype: deas0815
>> M: +49 160 4694826
>> T: +49 40 23943542
>> F: +49 40 23943542
>> http://www.contentreich.de
>> Contentreich : Alfresco ECM, Clojure, Groovy und WordPress - aus Spaß
>> und für Geld
>> Am 11.07.2016 11:24 nachm. schrieb "Richard Esplin"
>> <richard.esplin at alfresco.com <mailto:richard.esplin at alfresco.com>>:
>> Short answer is that there is a lot of experimentation going on,
>> but no consensus has emerged about best practices or recommended
>> trade-offs.
>> * Lots of engineering teams are distributing Docker images to
>> assist with development. Each team is building their own in
>> slightly different ways.
>> * The solutions engineers and testing teams are using Power Bundle
>> to spin up consistent environments.
>> * We are using Alfresco SPK with Chef and Vagrant to spin up and
>> maintain our Amazon instances.
>> * We know that the installer has a lot of problems, but we haven't
>> yet found a better replacement.
>> * Our internal production instances are virtualized machine images.
>> On Thursday, June 23, 2016 5:06:16 PM BST Andreas Steffan wrote:
>> <snip>
>> > People at Alfresco have containers on their radar, and I am sure
>> we will
>> > see serious efforts coming from them. I'd appreciate to hear
>> what they
>> > are up to in this regard - short and medium term - to keep in
>> line with
>> > them.
>> <snip>
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