[OOTB-hive] Useful Add-ons and Patches WAS Re: OOTB contribution issues

Nick Burch bee at gagravarr.org
Mon Aug 1 11:48:18 BST 2016

On Mon, 1 Aug 2016, Andreas Steffan wrote:
> I believe you when you say you'd like to know more about the things we
> usually apply. Still, it seems you are batch closing issues nobody at
> Alfresco has ever had a look at.
> https://issues.alfresco.com/jira/browse/ALF-20508
> is  an example.
> Almost three years old, still dead easy to reproduce and not even commented.

If the bug still applies, you ought to be able to hit the re-open button, 
mark it as applying to 5.1 and add a quick comment. I spent some of the 
weekend doing the same for the bugs I've reported while still exist and 
which I still care about!

While it would be lovely if Richard could get all community reported bugs 
reviewed, for now I think it's more useful for us bees if he can get a way 
for us to get our patches reviewed. That way, when we find a bug, we can 
get it fixed much quicker by doing half the work ourselves :)


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