[OOTB-hive] Happy Anniversary Order of the Bee

Richard Esplin richard.esplin at alfresco.com
Sat May 23 23:01:28 BST 2015

Happy Bee Day Everyone!

Thank you for the great reminder, Boriss. It has been fun to see the Order 
mature over the past year. We have high goals and it is easy to wish that we 
were further along, so it is important to pause and admire the infrastructure 
we have assembled.

There are a lot of accomplishments to recognize, but for me the most impactful 
change has been to the relationship between Alfresco Software and the open 
source community. The Order of the Bee has been instrumental in helping 
Alfresco to communicate clearer, and be more sensitive to the needs of the 
open source user base.

I also love the brand of the Order. Bzzz.

Boriss suggested I post a picture of my bees to recognize the anniversary, but 
it was raining when I went to take a picture today. I'll send one later, but I 
should say that Ludek's operation is much more impressive then my single 
little box.

I'm excited to see what the Order accomplishes in our next year!


On Saturday, May 23, 2015 10:43:56 Boriss Mejias wrote:
> Dear Bees,
> By the end of 2013, at the Alfresco meetup in Leuven, we were discussing
> with Martin about the need for self-organisation in the Alfresco community.
> We saw that the community was growing and being well driven by Jeff and
> Richard, but the question was: What if they are not there any more? Will
> the community still be strong without leadership coming from Alfresco?
> These questions came again discussing with Ole and other community fellows
> in Brussels, in May 2014, at the Hackathon. One year ago, precisely on May
> 23, Ole, Martin and myself were chatting about doing something to remove
> this dependency on Alfresco. That's when we decided to create the Order of
> the Bee, so that we could help Jeff and Richard in their role of
> bee-keepers, for the greater good of the bees.
> Today, one year later, I see a very strong community that still needs to
> mature but that can carry on with its own energy. Jeff isn't at Alfresco
> any more, Richard has changed his role, and we still have a great hive. We
> help each other in our daily activities related to Alfresco, and next to
> that we try build new things together. I'm really proud of the group we
> have, so thanks to all the bees for what we have done in this year, and
> let's keep on buzzing to get better things in our second year.
> To celebrate this anniversary, we will carry on until June 2, the day of
> the first email to this mailing list announcing publicly the Order, with
> some post and tweets about the order. We want to make a list of what we
> have achieved so, please send an email to Cristina (in Cc) with what you
> have done for the Order during this first year, so that we don't forget
> anyone.
> To sum up:
> Happy Anniversary Order of the Bee.
> Celebrations from May 23 until June 2.
> Cheers
> Bee Mejias
> aka Boriss

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