[OOTB-hive] Introducing BeeCon

Boriss Mejias tchorix at gmail.com
Thu May 7 22:11:40 BST 2015

I also like the crowd-source selection of content. I was actually thinking
on creating a review committee as it is done in academic
conferences/workshops, however, I think it's better to open the election to
a more massive system. Nevertheless, we need to reserve some slots for
invited speakers. :)


On 7 May 2015 at 04:25, Jeff Potts <jeffpotts01 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I like all of your suggestions, Richard. Especially the crowd-sourced
> session selection as that is one of the more time-consuming activities that
> goes into planning.
> On the web site and registration, I would suggest keeping this as simple
> as humanly possible with low emphasis on marketing/polish and high emphasis
> on simplicity and cost reduction (or elimination). Sites like Eventbrite
> should be used for registration, for example, as they offer a low cost
> solution that includes an on-site ticket scanning app.
> The web site should be little more than a landing page that points to
> Eventbrite.
> The crowd-sourced session selection could be based on an out-of-the-box
> framework. I'm picturing a reddit style site where each post is a session
> abstract and then people vote it up or down. We can then take the top X
> most popular sessions, and those could be slotted into a scheduled the
> morning of the first day similar to how it is done at an un-conference.
> (Imagine a grid on a wall and then each speaker, in order of session
> popularity, places a post-it in their preferred schedule slot. Once the
> spots are filled speakers could engage in last-minute trades based on
> conflicts).
> In earlier discussions about this there was a concern raised about using
> "Alfresco" in the name or branding. As this conference is about "Alfresco"
> as a topic, I think this falls under fair use, so I'm hoping you can
> confirm that would not be a problem. For example, we might want to say
> something like "BeeCon: The Independently-Organized Alfresco Community
> Conference" or something more succinct. We simply must be able to use that
> word as part of promotion activities so that we can reach beyond the 100 or
> so people already on the list.
> Jeff
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