[OOTB-hive] May the 4th be with you! Announcement!

samuel masué samuel.masue at gmail.com
Tue May 5 09:39:42 BST 2015


I was reading your emails and I'm really enthusiasm about the idea, you can
count on me. I enjoyed a lot last Summit in London, it's a shame they stop


2015-05-05 10:27 GMT+02:00 Torben Lauritzen <tl at magus.dk>:

> Hi All.
> I think it is a great idea to organize an Alfresco Community Meeting, and
> I would be happy to help!
> But I would like it to be completely independent of the Alfresco company -
> they are welcome to act as sponsors, but otherwise I think we should
> emphasize that it is a Community meeting, encompassing both technical and
> business issues related to Alfresco Community Edition.
> Cheers,
> Torben
> On 05/05/2015, at 00.39, Gabriele Columbro <columbro at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Boriss,
> I’d say yeah more than forking (WTF = What the Fork ;), I suggest working
> together on these initiatives. Ole is quickly ramping up in his role and
> would be able to work more with you on these initiatives from a Developer
> standpoint (and with Richard from a Community standpoint).
> Personally, I think it could be a good idea need to complement the Summit
> with a more technical focused event, ideally in Europe, where our technical
> and developer footprint is very large. But might not be the necessarily the
> only solution: having a technical track at Alfresco days, where fresh
> content can be delivered more often and more locally than on a yearly
> cadence, seems also something we should be doing.
> For us to better organize internally how to support these events, and to
> help me better understand what problem are we trying to solve with this
> initiative, I have a question: I have seen the Community / Technical
> audience used interchangeably (e.g. it’s an “Alfresco Community Meeting”
> but the main reason is that Alfresco Days provide "very little technical
> value”, so I’d like to understand if your focus / interest / audience is:
> 1. the Developer Ecosystem (cross the Community or Enterprise boundary),
> i.e. a very technical event which offers content to satisfy the Developer
> persona?
> 2. the Alfresco Community members / users (so any aspect of Community,
> including technical info but also case studies, sales / consulting system
> integrator pitches, etc.)?
> 3. A bit of both?
> I know there is an overlap between the two potential audiences, but I do
> think these audiences might have different problems and as mentioned above
> might be addressed with multiple initiatives. Personally, I’d rather see us
> invest first on a Dev event first (but obviously I am biased :P) and then
> on a Community event, or on an event which satisfies both purposes (in
> which case though Alfresco Community Meeting might be not the best naming).
> Happy to follow up on a separate thread if we don’t want to highjack this
> one :)
> Thanks,
> Gab
> --
> Gabriele Columbro
> Sr. Product Manager, Core Platform / API, Alfresco Software
> On May 4, 2015, at 5:54 PM, Boriss Mejias <tchorix at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear bees,
> I'm not a fan of Star Wars[*], but May the 4th sounds like a good day for
> announcement such as the following:
> *We are organising the Alfresco Community Meeting!*
> i.e., we are forking Alfresco Summit. May the fork be with you!
> (Oh, I mentioned the "F" word. Sorry Richard)
> Alfresco Inc. decided to organise a single global Summit. One of the main
> argument is that "Alfresco Days" were good enough for a large amount of
> customers that won't be able to travel to Summit. We feel that this is
> terrible for the Alfresco Community, mostly because Alfresco Days are sales
> event, with very little technical value, and the community wants to discuss
> technical stuffs and shared their expertise.
> We discussed the idea within the Board, and we all agreed that we should
> organise a community event. Here are the main ideas:
> *Goal*: Create an event where the Alfresco community can meet and share
> their knowledge.
> *When*: Either September 2015 or March 2016. We don't want to conflict
> with the Alfresco Summit (Nov 2015). This is a reaction of the community to
> the direction the Summit is taken, but it is not a boycott. It's bringing
> an event for the community, which can attend both events if they want to.
> *Where*: There are three ideas: 1. Brussels, 2. Stockholm, 3, Malaga. The
> reason why Brussels is first it's because I'm advancing on having a place
> to host the event with the company I work for.
> *What*: Technical talks, and a hackathon. Which means that we need A LOT
> of volunteers to present and to filter the submissions. This is a CALL FOR
> VOLUNTEERS! The more volunteers we have, the less work for each one.
> *Who:* The Order of the Bee is the main driven force for the organisation
> of the event. But it's an event organised by the community and for the
> community. So, any community member outside the Order is welcome to help
> and attend
> *.*
> *Sponsors: *We will have Honey, Nectar and Pollen sponsors, instead of
> Platinum, Golden and Silver. This is of course an irrelevant joke, but we
> hope to convince Alfresco Inc to give us some sponsoring, specially by
> sending engineers to the event. So, don't abuse the "f" word :D.
> That's it. Feedback, ideas, and volunteers are welcome!
> Cheers
> Bee Mejias.
> aka Boriss
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Samuel Masué
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