[OOTB-hive] May the 4th be with you! Announcement!

Boriss Mejias tchorix at gmail.com
Mon May 4 22:54:39 BST 2015

Dear bees,

I'm not a fan of Star Wars[*], but May the 4th sounds like a good day for
announcement such as the following:

*We are organising the Alfresco Community Meeting!*

i.e., we are forking Alfresco Summit. May the fork be with you!
(Oh, I mentioned the "F" word. Sorry Richard)

Alfresco Inc. decided to organise a single global Summit. One of the main
argument is that "Alfresco Days" were good enough for a large amount of
customers that won't be able to travel to Summit. We feel that this is
terrible for the Alfresco Community, mostly because Alfresco Days are sales
event, with very little technical value, and the community wants to discuss
technical stuffs and shared their expertise.

We discussed the idea within the Board, and we all agreed that we should
organise a community event. Here are the main ideas:

*Goal*: Create an event where the Alfresco community can meet and share
their knowledge.

*When*: Either September 2015 or March 2016. We don't want to conflict with
the Alfresco Summit (Nov 2015). This is a reaction of the community to the
direction the Summit is taken, but it is not a boycott. It's bringing an
event for the community, which can attend both events if they want to.

*Where*: There are three ideas: 1. Brussels, 2. Stockholm, 3, Malaga. The
reason why Brussels is first it's because I'm advancing on having a place
to host the event with the company I work for.

*What*: Technical talks, and a hackathon. Which means that we need A LOT of
volunteers to present and to filter the submissions. This is a CALL FOR
VOLUNTEERS! The more volunteers we have, the less work for each one.

*Who:* The Order of the Bee is the main driven force for the organisation
of the event. But it's an event organised by the community and for the
community. So, any community member outside the Order is welcome to help
and attend

*Sponsors: *We will have Honey, Nectar and Pollen sponsors, instead of
Platinum, Golden and Silver. This is of course an irrelevant joke, but we
hope to convince Alfresco Inc to give us some sponsoring, specially by
sending engineers to the event. So, don't abuse the "f" word :D.

That's it. Feedback, ideas, and volunteers are welcome!

Bee Mejias.
aka Boriss
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