[OOTB-hive] Perception of Order of the Bee

David Webster david.webster at alfresco.com
Fri Oct 17 08:26:50 BST 2014

Just to add a little: I think the perception will be helped a lot when the projects that are currently under way start to bear fruit, when e.g. the addons and distro projects have something to show.

This point in time is the unfortunate gap between the initial noise generating period, during which it was important to achieve recognition of the order's existence (which was done well) and the point where there are lots of tangible projects the order can point to and say "we've contributed this to the community".? Those of us with an internal view can definitely see progress towards the second point in time, so I don't think it will be long until that work is visible & the order's list of tangible contributions grows.

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