[OOTB-hive] platform ideas

Heiko Robert heiko.orderofthebee.info at ecm4u.de
Wed Aug 20 16:48:08 BST 2014


thats exactly the way we should avoid. I'm sorry having started the 
discussion. This would be a mistake nearly every Alfresco partner 
already did and which resuted in a waste of at least several tens of 
mandays without a really working/usable solution. I'm a pragmatist and I 
think it would be much more professional to use and combine tools which 
are designed for that ... For long term it would be fine but why? Not 
one of our customers and partnes asked why we didn't choose Alfresco for 
this. They are just happy that it's working as expected and that it's 
easy to use.

Concerning github platform: for source code related and internal stuff 
this is fine but we should avoid this for external/public infos to also 
address enterprises for the bee actiivites and sponsoring.


Am 20.08.2014 16:23, schrieb Tahir Malik:
> I Agree that we can build anything in Alfresco if needed.
> We could use Datalists to order issues & tasks. Maybe create some 
> custom code to create an action from a Datalist entry to a new task.
> For each devision a site so we can collaborate.
> I guess switching to Alfresco from the mailinglist would be a great 
> idea. We could use the forums/wiki/datalist to manage everything.
> I like that idea more than a huge mailinglist which isn't searchable 
> and you'll need a lot of copy & paste stuff from the mailinglist to 
> Alfresco and maybe back.

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