[OOTB-hive] Organizing our efforts

Jeff Potts jeffpotts01 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 20 15:15:25 BST 2014

I believe you and Oksana are proposing the following:

1. WEB becomes INFRA
 - does not include content creation
 - does include live showcase

2. PSN becomes part of MKT

GOV, DISTRO, ADDONS remain unchanged for a total of five committees
starting out. The BOARD is a special committee as membership will require
elections going forward.

If that's the proposal, I am in agreement. Those are good changes.


On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 8:09 AM, Boriss Mejias <tchorix at gmail.com> wrote:

> Fellow bees,
> We were discussing on the #orderofthebee channel today about these ideas
> posted by Oksana, and we believe she has a point regarding MKT generating
> the content. We also realised that we need a team working on the
> collaboration platform apart from the website platform. So, we came up with
> the following idea:
> - Move web content as a task of MKT
> - Replace WEB by Infrastructure or Platform, whatever name is better.
> Like that, instead of having WEB asking for content to MKT, we will have
> MKT requesting web support from Infrastructure/Platform. Like that, the
> Live Showcase falls more naturally into Infrastructure/Platform.
> What do you bees think?
> I don't have an opinion regarding the merge of PSN and MKT
> cheers
> Boriss
> On 19 August 2014 18:13, Oksana Kurysheva <okurysheva at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Jeff,
>> Great idea. I like it, but I don't understand a place of the Board in
>> this scheme :)
>> More specific comment:
>> I suggest to merge (or reogranize) some committees:
>> 1. *Web Site*. There are 2 completely different parts of activities
>> around the website:
>> - technical (architecture, select tools, maintain the site etc). Live
>> Showcase is completely different technical activity.
>> - marketing (update content, draw new pictures).
>> So I suggest to put the second point to the *Marketing* committee. Live
>> Showcase is somewhere near to *Distribution*.
>> 2. *Marketing* and *Professional Services Network*.
>> I suggest to all website content to the Marketing (see above). And I
>> suggest to merge "collect customer stories" and "Professional Services
>> Network". We will ask all SIs and freelancers for some customer contacts
>> (or ready stories) and we will ask all customers for SI/freelancer contact.
>> So I think that it should be the same activity.
>> 3. About "web site" and myself. I already got several comments in IRC
>> today about I should become a chair of *Web Site* committee. So:
>> I would like to work on the content and on the images on the website, but
>> I really have no time to build great dynamic website with authorization,
>> voting etc till the end of the year. I don't have experience in this topic
>> and I'm not ready to work on full-day basis. I understand that it takes a
>> lot of time, and I don't have it. So if someone is ready to take the
>> responsibility for the technical part of the website - I would be happy.
>> Regards,
>> Oksana
>> On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 7:16 AM, Jeff Potts <jeffpotts01 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> We have a lot of work to do. But we also have a lot of interested people
>>> who are ready to help out, which is great!
>>> This email is a proposed organizational model for the Order aimed at
>>> making sure the people who are most passionate about a particular area are
>>> able to dive in and move forward as quickly as possible while still
>>> maintaining some level of visibility and oversight throughout the larger
>>> group.
>>> This is a proposal. It seems roughly-right to me. It can be fine-tuned
>>> and made more formal over time if necessary. Hopefully it is good enough
>>> for now. If not, say something.
>>> *Establish Committees Aligned with Our Goals*
>>> I propose that we organize committees aligned with our goals. Each
>>> committee can select a committee chair. The committee chair keeps things on
>>> track, delegates tasks, and reports progress to the community. How the
>>> chair is selected is up to the committee. I suspect someone may volunteer.
>>> If more than one person feels strongly that they should be chair, put it to
>>> a vote (see "Voting", below).
>>> I'll provide a list of proposed committees at the end.
>>> *Committees Are Empowered to Get Stuff Done*
>>> Committees are expected to act mostly autonomously to accomplish their
>>> goals. Committee chairs can use their judgement as to what requires the
>>> entire community to make a decision on and what the committee can move
>>> forward with on their own.
>>> The whole point of dividing into committees is to prevent overly-broad
>>> discussion, single-threading, paralysis, or overwhelming a small number of
>>> individuals.
>>> *Voting*
>>>  Committees are encouraged to get consensus amongst committee members
>>> through discussion. Communication can take place using the public list or,
>>> if the committee wants to, they can use a committee-specific list.
>>> A committee may have major decisions that face the group that need to be
>>> put to a vote. When a decision is put to a vote, I propose a 48-hour voting
>>> period during which the committee members respond with +1, -1, or 0
>>> (abstain). After 48-hours the person initiating the vote closes the vote
>>> and announces the voting results.
>>> Don't over-use voting. It's tedious and drags things out. Use it for
>>> major decisions or decisions where there is a lot of discussion and
>>> consensus appears to be murky or hard to achieve.
>>> Example: The web site committee is thinking of changing the theme from
>>> yellow to orange. After an email to the group, a few people are strongly in
>>> favor and most don't reply at all within a reasonable amount of time. No
>>> one appears to be strongly opposed. No vote is required. The committee
>>> should push forward.
>>> Example: The web site committee is thinking of eliminating an entire
>>> section of the web site. A few people are strongly in favor. A few seem
>>> opposed. The person proposing the idea sends an email with the subject of
>>> "[VOTE] Let's remove section XX from the web site" and describes their
>>> position in the body. Committee members have 48 hours to reply all with
>>> their vote. At the end of 48 hours, the person initiating the vote sends a
>>> second email with "[VOTE CLOSED] Let's remove section XX from the web site"
>>> and in the body gives the vote count and whether or not it passed.
>>> Exactly who gets to vote is still up-in-the-air. Perhaps we are still
>>> small enough that whomever sees a vote take place and feels strongly enough
>>> to vote can do so. The Governance committee should tackle this issue early.
>>> *Initial Committees*
>>> I suggest we keep the list of sub-committees to 6 or less initially,
>>> aligned with the major goals of the Order.
>>> I propose the following sub-committees to start:
>>> - *Governance*. Draft a charter and some simple by-laws. Figure out
>>> voting, member levels, vouching (business requirements), board election
>>> procedures, etc.
>>> - *Web Site*. Define an architecture, select tools, maintain the site.
>>> Implement business requirements given to you by the other sub-committees.
>>> For now, I think the Live Showcase idea should fall under Web Site.
>>> - *Distribution*. Work on how the Order-specific distribution will
>>> work. Establish standards, source code control, QA. Set milestones. Pick a
>>> name (other than "OOTB Edition"). Do the work.
>>> - *Add-Ons*. Determine the criteria for how Order-endorsed add-ons will
>>> be selected. Work with the Distribution committee to determine which ones
>>> will be part of the standard distribution. Engage developers to encourage
>>> them to maintain their add-ons, follow best practices, etc. Could be
>>> combined with Distribution.
>>> - *Marketing*. Collect customer stories from those using CE and the
>>> Order-specific distribution. Publish these stories on the web site and in
>>> other channels. Try to get speaking slots at conferences. Find people to
>>> donate marketing schwag. This committee should also be responsible for the
>>> social accounts. Could be combined with the web site.
>>> - *Professional Services Network*. Figure out how SI's should be listed
>>> and what, if any, vetting the Order will do. Proactively seek out
>>> individuals and companies who meet the criteria and get them added to the
>>> list.
>>> *Get On a Committee*
>>> If you are hoping to do more for this cause than simply lurk, you need
>>> to pick 1 and no more than 2 sub-committees, add yourself to the list, and
>>> get to work.
>>> Maybe people should just send an email to the list and say which
>>> committee they want to focus on.
>>> *Let's set a date*
>>> Let's set a goal of having committees formed and committee chairs
>>> selected by September 1. The committee chairs will start reporting progress
>>> at the end of September and then monthly after that.
>>> For now, at our size, let's have the committee chairs report status via
>>> the public list. If there is a sensitive or confidential issue that needs
>>> to be addressed, talk to a board member and we can handle it off-list.
>>> *Thoughts?*
>>> What do you think? Shall we give it a try? Any alternative suggestions
>>> or improvements?
>>> Jeff
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>> --
>> С уважением,
>> Оксана Курышева
>> <okurysheva at gmail.com>
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