[OOTB-hive] Tweets scheduled for @orderofthebee for the next few weeks

Jeff Potts jeffpotts01 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 18 02:40:00 BST 2014

I have scheduled some tweets to go out from @orderofthebee over the next
three weeks.

I created tweets for each of the major sub-projects as well as general
tweets. Two sub-project tweets will be sent each week (one Tuesday, one
Thursday) with a general tweet going out on Friday. All tweets will be sent
at 09:00a US/Central to cover most of the US and most of Europe.

Please watch for these and re-tweet them, or set up your own schedule to
re-tweet them.

The tweets are as follows:


Tu, 8/19, 09:00: Alfresco CEO Doug Dennerline gives a thumbs up to the
Order of the Bee during Q&A. See full vid at http://ow.ly/Aq7RW

Th, 8/21, 09:00: Using #Alfresco Community Edition in production? Tell us
your story and help others do the same http://ow.ly/Aq8af

Fr, 8/22, 09:00: We want to see #Alfresco CE stay free for everyone.
Forever. Join the cause! http://ow.ly/Aq9aC


Tu, 8/26, 09:00: A patched, amp'd version of #Alfresco Community Edition?
Yup, we're working on it http://ow.ly/Aq8jw

Th, 8/28, 09:00: Got a favorite #Alfresco Add-On? We want to know about it

Fr, 8/29, 09:00: An open community in support of #Alfresco free from
commercial interests. Join us! http://ow.ly/Aq9iC


Tu, 9/2, 09:00: It can be hard finding a good prof svcs firm to work on
#Alfresco CE. We can help http://ow.ly/Aq8HW

Th, 9/4, 09:00: Live #Alfresco servers for public testing & experimentation
coming soon! Feel free to help us out! http://ow.ly/Aq8XO

Fr, 9/5, 09:00: Of course you can run #Alfresco Community Edition in
production. We can help. http://ow.ly/Aq9r4

Obviously we'll be issuing ad hoc tweets when the need arises, but having
these in the schedule will keep our handle active and fresh.

If you have any ideas for tweets we could add to the queue let me know.

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