[OOTB-hive] New submission from orderofthebee.org/about/

Brace Forms forms-no-reply at brace.io
Thu Aug 14 19:30:41 BST 2014

Hey there,

Someone just submitted your form on orderofthebee.org/about/. Here's what they had to say:

Ole Hejlskov

ole at phpfreak.dk

I've been working with Alfresco for 3.5-4 years (can't really remember). I haven't had much luck with the community in the past, but this changed last year and I decided to go all in and participate as I realised that I could make a difference.

My main contributions has been:
- Very active in the IRC channel, helping out answering questions, and a couple of times doing PoC projects for others who are struggling
- Write a tutorial about the Aikau framework: http://ohej.github.io/alfresco-tutorials/tutorial/aikau/tutorial.html
 - Mavenize the old "alfresco sdk": https://github.com/Alfresco/alfresco-sdk-samples
 - Dedicate 6 weeks of my free time to work on Alfresco related projects (http://ohej.dk/2014/07/pledge-community-service/)  
 - Help test 5.0.a's newly mavenized build process before release
 - Deeply involved in the development of Alfresco SDK 2.0 with RAD support (https://github.com/Alfresco/alfresco-sdk)
   - Participated in Tech Talk Live (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tu641nRGbtQ)
 - Working on an update of the Danish language pack for 5.0.a


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