[OOTB-hive] New submission from orderofthebee.org/about/

Brace Forms forms-no-reply at brace.io
Thu Aug 14 19:14:06 BST 2014

Hey there,

Someone just submitted your form on orderofthebee.org/about/. Here's what they had to say:

Oksana Kurysheva @aviriel

okurysheva at gmail.com

1. I help to translate Alfresco to Russian and administer Alfresco community translation group at https://crowdin.com/project/alfresco.
2. Together with my colleagues I provided Alfresco Meetup in Moscow in this May. And I'm going to organize this event annually.
3. I write posts about Alfresco in blogs (http://blog.itdhq.com/ in English, http://ru.blog.itdhq.com/ and http://www.ossportal.ru/technologies/alfresco in Russian)
4. I participate in Alvex (a number of free open source add-ons) development process.


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