[OOTB-hive] Confirm email for Brace Forms

Brace Forms forms-no-reply at brace.io
Thu Aug 14 18:51:27 BST 2014

Thanks for using Brace Forms. Congrats, you're one step away from making forms on orderofthebee.org/about/ functional.

All you have to do is click the link below to confirm your email. To prevent spamming, you'll have to repeat this step for every page where you insert your form. Note that you won't be receiving any emails from the site before you confirm your email.

Link: http://forms.brace.io/confirm/3f97f05af25b971df2e6a63797c60005

We hope you enjoy using Brace Forms. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot an email to team at brace.io.

Lauri and Cole


Why did I receive this email?

Someone (hopefully you?) used your email with the Brace Forms API on orderofthebee.org/about/. If this wasn't you, no worries. This is the only email you'll get.
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