2. saturday 24th - the nutter is doing a bungee jump in tamworth!!
Does anyone fancy driving hamed and his son from Bristol to Tamworth and back again so he can do the bungee jump?
It's about 110 miles each way and should take about 2 hours. Bungee jump at 2.30 so it's probably a 11.30 to 5.30 trip.
We'll pay for the petrol. If anyone is up for it that'd be amazing. Please contact me today.
3. also saturday - probably try a little trip to the plough early evening. let me know if you're around.
4. sunday 25th - and of course he's running the bristol half marathon. can anyone drive him from mine to the city centre for about 10am please?
5. if you can't do any of the above but you still wanna see him, maybe you can pop round to mine at some stage for a few minutes. let me know. x