I am objecting to the planning application submitted to build a 3-story
building of residential flats at the rear of All Hallows Hall in Easton BS5
0HH (planning application number 20/02804/LA).
My primary objection is due to the detrimental effect this will have on the
use of the hall and adjoining building by the community, as well as loss of
light and space and overcrowding.
All Hallows Hall, which is Grade 2 listed, is a vital amenity for the
diverse community of Easton. It is currently home to a weekly Cooperative
Gym, The Ping Pong Parlour, acting classes, circus training and community
events including dances, pop ups, live music, markets, arts events, film
festivals and affordable rehearsal space. It is also being used as a base
for the 'Community Care Package' charitable food box scheme, which is
providing free, healthy food to thousands of people across Bristol who have
been affected by the Covid-19 crisis.
The build would remove the stage area of the Hall, where the community have
come together for the past 8 years to share music, performances and much
more, as well as 2 of the 3 fire escapes. This would severely restrict the
number of people that the hall could accommodate at one time, effectively
ending the ability to host evening events and reducing access to the
various activities listed above.
It would also limit the use of the outdoor space, which is shared with the
adjoining building - home to the 'Baggator' young people's project and
'Super Super Club' meal scheme. All Hallows Co-op and Baggator, with aid
from the BBC’s ‘Operation People Power’, have been creating a safe outdoor
space for vulnerable members of the local community who already have very
little outside private space in Easton. As well as the reduction in numbers
that could be accomodated, this space would be overlooked by the flats,
thus rendering it virtually useless to vulnerable women and young people.
In summary, I feel that the building of 4 flats squeezed into the small
space between 2 valued community projects will depreciate the character of
the local area, downgrade the usefulness of this well-loved and utilised
grade 2 listed building and will have a detrimental effect on the community
of Easton which it currently helps to support in a multitude of ways.
Secretary, Easton Cowboys and Cowgirls Sports and Social Club