Pay day pay day pay day membership remind - details below
On Friday, January 19, 2024 at 03:31:46 PM GMT, Isabel O'Hagan via football-women
<football-women(a)> wrote:
Hi everyone,
It’s January and you’re skint but before you plan that payday bender please remember to
leave a little aside for your cowgirls membership fee.
Membership fees ensure that we always have cash reserves for kit (balls, cones, bibs etc.)
and we can cover any shortfall if attendance for a particular session is low and subs
don’t cover the cost of pitch hire or coaches. It also means we can have an Ethical Fund,
which supports members who can’t afford to take part in cowgirls activities, wider club
members in crisis, community members in crisis and social / political causes that align
with our ethos.
We ask everyone to pay in January (realistically early Feb) to cover themselves for the
year. You may have paid later in the year if you joined last year but that was for last
year so I’m afraid it’s due again now. As always, money is never a barrier so if you can’t
afford it don’t worry about it.
£20 waged / £10 unwaged by bank transfer with "your first name - membership" in
the reference:
Easton Cowgirls Women's Football Club
Sort Code: 089299
Account Number: 65168055
Please pay by 10th Feb.
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