Hey guys, 

See below. It would be nice for us to support this call to action.

If are able please take a picture of yourself in your cowgirls shirt with a sign as suggested below. We can then share them on our socials and I will pass to CPT 

Can people do this by Sunday? 

I’ll try and remind over the wknd 

From: Christian Peacemaker Teams Palestine <cptheb@cpt.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 4, 2020 6:03 pm
To: scruffylittlevera@hotmail.co.uk
Subject: Urgent Photo Action; Support Maher al-Akhras
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November 3rd, 2020 marked Maher al Akharas 100 days of hunger strike, Al Akhras Lawyer had pleaded three times for earlier release, all were refused by the Israel Court.

As Maher's health is getting worse by every minute;

Please take action with us:

Take a selfie while holding up a sign that says 

"Save Maher al-Akhras - Stop Administrative Detention" 

and at the bottom write the country where you are located.

Please post these photos on Social Media AND email them to cptheb@cpt.org. We will post them up on the Christian Peacemaker Teams' various social media. Please also invite folks in your community to take part!


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On July 27t, 2020 Maher Al Akhras, 49 years old Palestinian was arrested by Israeli forces and started his hunger strike on the first day protesting his detention. 

The court rejected it under the pretext that al-Akhras’ administrative detention decision was already frozen; thus, there was no case to decide on.

As of now, 350 Palestinians are kept in administrative detention in Israeli prisons without trial.

Each year Israeli authorities arrest hundreds of Palestinian and put them under administrative detention that can take from 3-6 months and might be renewed.

The Committee against Torture, which monitors the implementation of the Convention against Torture, asserted this principle in its demand upon Israel on 13 May 2016 to “Urgently take the measures necessary to end the practice of administrative detention and ensure that all persons who are currently held in administrative detention are afforded all basic legal safeguards.”

Christian Peacemaker Teams the international community to pressure Israel to uphold its obligations under the international human rights law in the oPt, as well as its obligations under IHL to achieve the greatest protection for civilians under the Israeli occupation.

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