I'll take the kids to this demo on 5th March. Let me know if you are going :)

From: Bristol People's Assembly <bristolpeoplesassembly@gmail.com>
Sent: 21 February 2022 08:29
To: scruffylittlevera@hotmail.co.uk <scruffylittlevera@hotmail.co.uk>
Subject: Cost of Living Crisis - 2nd Wave Protest
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Protest! Cost of Living Crisis - 2nd Wave

Saturday 5th March 1pm College Green

National Days Of Action:
PROTEST the Cost Of Living Crisis:
1st Wave Saturday 12th February
2nd Wave: Saturday 5th March.
3rd Wave Saturday 2nd April.

Congregating from 1pm on College Green

Public outrage over the Cost of Living Crisis is growing fast and our response is gaining momentum. Right now is the time for us all to come together in unity and build our collective resistance.

Now is the time to get out onto the streets to send a clear message to the government that we refuse to pay for their crisis.

The People's Assembly Against Austerity is organising demonstrations up and down the country against the cost of living hikes and the government.
- OFGEM have announced a 54% rise in household energy bills.
- This will come into effect in April, at the same time that National Insurance goes up.
- RPI inflation is already 7.5%.
- Inflation and rising prices are squeezing wages with barely a pay rise in sight.
- MPs' pay will be going up £2000 and Shell has just announced highest profits in eight years while nearly everyone else faces rapidly declining living standards.
The deepest cost of living crisis since 1990!
Soaring inflation, stagnant wages, rising interest rates, falling living standards, fuel and energy crisis.

Join us in Bristol - SEE YOU ON THE STREETS: SAT 5 MARCH

More details to follow & here: thepeoplesassembly.org.uk
#CostOfLivingCrisis See less

Join & share the Facebook event of the Protest here

Tue 22 Feb 7pm: Cost of Living in-person organising meeting
Located at PRSC:35 Jamaica Street,Stokes Croft,Bristol,BS2 8JP 

This is a open planning meeting for any individual or representative of an organisation interested in helping organise the next steps of the 'cost of living crisis' campaign.

Preliminary Agenda:
1. Planning locally for sat 5th March cost of living protests
2. Supporting TUC cost of living protest in Blackpool on sat 19th March
3. Discussing demands and aims of the campaign: 
(for context currently these are the 3 demands being proposed nationally by PA: shorturl.at/btG68)
4. Hosting a possible public cost of living crisis meeting or conference locally
5. Supporting SOS NHS Day of Action Saturday 26th February

Note: the venue can be chilly in the winter, so bring warm clothes.

Join & share the Facebook event of the Organising Meeting here

SOS NHS Day of Action

Saturday 26th February 12-2pm at the Fountains

Protect Our NHS Bristol will be organising a stall as part of a NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION for the NHS to build a movement to pressure the government to act on the following demands:


Join us on Saturday 26 February from 12 to 2 at the Fountains in the City Centre.

Join & share the Facebook event for the Day of Action here
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