Hello all,

I'm not sure if all of you are aware, but there is a stunning Art Deco Cinema on Church Road, hidden behind what used to be a Wetherspoons. There are about 200 seats, ceiling decorations etc etc all still there - it's stunning. The building as been purchased on the quiet by a building developer, who initially submitted plans to entirely gut the building and turn it into 10 or 15 or something like that flats of multiple occupancy, each with 4 or 5 bedrooms and shared kitchens, so housing something like 45 or 50 people in a rather tight space. They said they would make a community space by including a 10-seater cinema (WTF?!)... the planning permission got over 900 comments objecting to the proposed plans, and was withdrawn before the council could make a decision. There have been some supposed 'community engagement' meetings with the developer but they have basically re-submitted the same plans again, just before Christmas. Yes, more housing is needed in Bristol, I do not deny that. But we also need community spaces. And the opportunities with this building are immense. There are all kinds of exciting plans that would be so so so much better than cramming lots of single folk into a space and most likely making it very transient.

We do not have long to make our objections known, as it was re-submitted before Christmas whilst we were all in a haze of chocolate and cheese. If you like the idea of a community hub / cinema / event space in Redfield / St George please take a moment to object the planning application. I'll try to write my text tonight, and will share that if people want to copy and paste. We have achieved a similar win previously when it was about flats at the back of All Hallows - let's do it again!

This is the link to the planning application: 22/06037/F | Proposed change of use and extension of existing building to create a scheme of 13 x HMO Cluster Units (44 beds) together with associated Gym and Communal Workspace facilities (Sui Generis). Change of use of Drinking Establishment floorspace (Sui Generis) to Commercial floorspace (Sui Generis) | 203 Church Road Redfield Bristol BS5 9HL

Thanks Cows!
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From: Redfield <redfieldcinema@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2023 at 18:56
Subject: We need your objections NOW!
To: <rebecca.swist@gmail.com>

The new plans for St George's Hall were submitted on the 22nd of December


The new plans went live on the planning portal on Friday.
As Landrose logged the application just before the Christmas break we may only have a matter of days to tell the planners what we think, we are hoping it will be longer but we urge you - do not delay - please continue your amazing support by logging into the planning portal and lodge a new objection.
One of the most vital points anyone could make in a written objection is how Landrose's plans are not at all in line with BCC's Local Plan Review and High Streets Recovery initiative:
"This policy aims to support a network of accessible centres in Bristol as key focuses for development and as the principal locations for shopping and community facilities as well as local entertainment, art and cultural facilities. All the centres are essential to the vitality of the city, the diversity of its shopping provision and to social inclusion, helping to reduce car dependency by providing services close to homes".
Church Road was named as a 'Priority High Street' in this plan. As such we believe that giving up the best opportunity this high street has for a community hub in favour of high density single occupancy housing, completely contradicts what the Council says should be happening here.
One more top tip, write your objection in a document, then copy and paste it to the portal once you are happy with it. Then you won't lose all your hard work if there's a glitch in the Matrix. 
The Take Action Now button below will take you to the planning portal.
Bethesda Church Friday 13th Jan from 6.30-8pm Hear the results of the public consultation, the outline vision, and practical next steps for fighting this development, and working towards something better for the whole community.

A HUGE thank you from all the team for your continuing support.
Hope to see you at the public meeting on Friday.

There are some great tips on the Facebook page for writing your planning objection...

More information on our Facebook page


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