The Palestine Museum and Cultural Centre
Situated on Broad Street (just off the Centre) in the heart of Bristol this museum was the first of its kind in the Western World!!! FFI
HERE. Open weekends 11am-6pm, it's free, stocks a great range of Palestinian products including Zaytoun, and is staffed entirely by volunteers. For more details, or if interested in volunteering, email
Bristol Kairos Community
Kairos Britain is a network of Christian organisations, individuals and faith communities formed in response to the Kairos
Palestine document, ‘A moment of truth’. We seek a just and lasting peace in the region based on the realisation of full human and political rights for all. Meets at Trinity-Henleaze United Reformed Church. FFI
Other Groups In Our Region
There are Palestine groups around the South-West region including Bath, Bradford-on-Avon, Melksham, Frome, Worcester, Gloucester, Cheltenham, South Somerset, and beyond. Various universities have student groups including Bristol, UWE, and Bath; these depend
on the energy of the current students so please get involved.
This bulletin is produced by the Bristol branch of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.
- We meet the last Tuesday of every month (usually except August and December) 7.00–9.00 pm at
Central Quaker Meeting House, Champion Square, Bristol BS2 9DB
- Please “like” our
Bristol Psc Facebook page
- Our email is or simply reply to this email bulletin.
- Get your friends to join our mailing list - pass on our contact details.
- Email your info for publicity (keep it short and to the format used here)
- Mailing Address Bristol-PSC c/o 35 Jamaica Street BS2 8JP
- We encourage you to join
National PSC HERE.
If you no longer need these bulletins use the unsubscribe button at the end
by the national Executive Committee of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (Sep 2011)
Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) exists to build a mass solidarity movement on Palestine. It is founded on principles of justice, human rights, and opposition to all forms of racism.
expression of racism or intolerance, or attempts to deny or minimise the holocaust have no place in our movement. Such sentiments are abhorrent in their own right and can only detract from the building of a strong movement in support of the fundamental rights
of the Palestinian people. Bristol-PSC
is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.
NOTE B-PSC mailing address is as above and NOT at Hydra Books stated below - it's just Mailchimp wont let us cu we haven't found the