Support the museum if you can :) 

From: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2020 7:21 pm
To: Sooz Cowgirl Susannah Mallaghan; Julian Harrison
Subject: Fw: PALESTINE MUSEUM DELIVERIES - olive oil, dates, almonds, you name it!
hi sooz and julian,
can you please forward this on to the cowgirls and your tour people julian?
thanks loads.

hi dear cow pal tourer,
i hope you are keeping well and that you are subscribed to bristol psc's bulletin below.
if not, please do subscribe.
if yes, you will have seen our 'advert' about delivering zaytoun:

The Palestine Museum in Bristol is currently closed but we will reopen as soon as we can.
In the meantime, we are offering a delivery service of Zaytoun products, etc.
This is open to you, your families and friends, so please forward this message on.
We are selling all our normal products including olive oil, dates, almonds, chilli almonds, caramelised almonds, za'atar, maftoul, freekeh and soap.  We're cheaper than the shops!
We also have……
Palestinian lip balm from Ramallah at £2.50; and
Rita's eco home made sanitisers (60% alcohol) at £3.50.
We can also deliver other Palestinian items such as flags and kuffiyehs.
(We have some items close to their Best Before End dates.)
Maftoul, Chilli almonds and Caramelised almonds, BBE 31st May, 25% off.
Delivery is FREE, within a reasonable cyclable distance in or around Bristol!
We’ll be wearing PPE and practising physical distancing but also social solidarity.
Email Peace at with your orders.
He'll arrange payment, if possible, by transfer from your bank account.  Once confirmed we'll deliver by bike to your door.
 This is one of the best ways you can help Palestine and also the Palestine Museum!

please do contact me if you want anything.

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Sent: Tuesday, 12 May 2020, 11:02:30 BST
Subject: Bristol & West Palestine Bulletin

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The Nakba is commemorated every year on 15th May. “Nakba” means catastrophe in Arabic, and refers to the destruction of hundreds of Palestinian villages and the violent expulsion of 750,000 Palestinians that began with Israel’s founding in 1948, and that continues to this day.
We are just weeks away from the likely threat of annexation, which would mean even more deeply entrenched apartheid, more home and village demolitions, and the further loss of Palestinian land, livelihoods, and connections.
Find out more in our Nakba factsheet, and hear directly from Palestinian voices about what Nakba means to them in the online rally!
Wednesday 13th May
MP’s online lobby
PSC has prepared an expert panel to brief MPs on the illegality of Israeli settlements, and to push for a complete UK ban on trade with them. Please get your MP to attend the briefing!
Thursday14th May
#KeyToJustice Webinar
At 4 PM Palestine time (3pm UK time): Rafeef Ziadah, Marta Ill and Rey Perez Asis will discuss the connections between the Palestinian struggle to end the ongoing Nakba and the struggles of millions of refugees, migrants and those struggling for adequate housing worldwide, particularly during the pandemic.
Friday 15th May
#KeyToJustice Global Action
Share a photo of yourself on social media holding a key, and tag your post with #KeyToJustice. Learn how to make a key at home with this do-it-yourself video. The key symbolizes not just Palestinian refugees’ return, but the connectedness of our struggles for equality, dignity and freedom, for all those without homes, facing brutality and resisting erasure.
Global Action
Friday 15th May
FoA Twitter Storm
Join Friends of Al Aqsa Twitter Storm at 11:30pm to #AskRaab questions on UK's support of Israel.
Friday 15th May
Online Nakba Action
PSC is teaming up with Jewish Voice for Peace, BDS Movement, and the South African BDS Coalition to bring this fantastic global rally to #SpreadSolidarity at 7pm UK time.
Special guests including:
There are only a thousand online places so please book early.
Just register to join us online.
Sunday 17th May
FoA Fundraiser for Palestine
Share stories about Masjid Al-Aqsa and Palestine whilst helping raise funds to support both.
Join Br. Ismail Patel, with your stories and donations on Facebook live.
Saturday 16  May,  11pm – 1M (UK time)
Sunday 17 May, 1pm - 4pm (UK time)
Sunday 17th May
Nakba Commemoration - Film
To commemorate the Nakba we will screen Emwas, a film by Dima Abu GhoUsh who was forced to flee her village in the 1967 war.
Organised by Cinema Palestino, Manchester PSC and Sheffield PSC.
Followed by online discussion with the director and John Nicholson from Stop the JNF campaign.
FFI and to register for free HERE
Other actions for Nakba……..
Ventilators for Palestine
We ask you to consider making a donation to Professor Colin Green's Justgiving page for ventilatory equipment for Palestine.
Professor Colin Green is a lifelong supporter of the Palestinians and it is truly inspiring that even under complete lockdown he is still doing whatever he can to help them so let us support him.
Pandemic and Palestinian Resilience
As a Palestinian woman from Jerusalem and a mental health professional, I am both treating and experiencing the extensive impact and far-reaching ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic……
Ramadan ban on settlement trade
Friends of Al Aqsa ask everyone to push for ban on settlement trade, these settlements are built on stolen Palestinian land, where Palestinian homes are demolished and people displaced.
Ramadan is here and it is the month where Muslims consume a lot of dates!
 Whether you are shopping online, or going to the supermarket #CheckTheLabel.
Don’t buy dates labelled from Israel, West Bank and the Jordan Valley as they’re grown in illegal Israeli settlements on land stolen from the Palestinians.
Although the UK government states Israeli settlements are illegal, they continue to trade goods with them.
This Ramadan urge our government to ban all trade with illegal Israeli settlements.
#CheckTheLabel Ramadan Calender Challenge
We have an exciting 30 day colouring calendar for you and your family.
Each day includes a challenge, once you complete the activity colour it in. 
How many will you be able to complete ?
Print the full calender here
The Palestine Museum in Bristol is currently closed but we will reopen as soon as we can.
In the meantime, we are offering a delivery service of Zaytoun products, etc.
This is open to you, your families and friends, so please forward this message on.
We are selling all our normal products including olive oil, dates, almonds, chilli almonds, caramelised almonds, za'atar, maftoul, freekeh and soap.  We're cheaper than the shops!
We also have……
Palestinian lip balm from Ramallah at £2.50; and
Rita's eco home made sanitisers (60% alcohol) at £3.50.
We can also deliver other Palestinian items such as flags and kuffiyehs.
(We have some items close to their Best Before End dates.)
Maftoul, Chilli almonds and Caramelised almonds, BBE 31st May, 25% off.
Delivery is FREE, within a reasonable cyclable distance in or around Bristol!
We’ll be wearing PPE and practising physical distancing but also social solidarity.
Email Peace at with your orders.
He'll arrange payment, if possible, by transfer from your bank account.  Once confirmed we'll deliver by bike to your door.
 This is one of the best ways you can help Palestine and also the Palestine Museum!
C-19 Pandemic Information
The Palestine Museum and Cultural Centre is currently closed
The weekly GAZA VIGIL in Bristol is suspended
Campaign groups are not having physical meets but have shifted online
Please continue to keep in touch and to campaign for Palestine online

The Palestine Museum and Cultural Centre
Situated on Broad Street (just off the Centre) in the heart of Bristol this museum was the first of its kind in the Western World!!! FFI HERE. Open weekends 11am-6pm, it's free, stocks a great range of Palestinian products including Zaytoun, and is staffed entirely by volunteers. For more details, or if interested in volunteering, email

Bristol Kairos Community
Kairos Britain is a network of Christian organisations, individuals and faith communities formed in response to the Kairos Palestine document, ‘A moment of truth’.  We seek a just and lasting peace in the region based on the realisation of full human and political rights for all. Meets at Trinity-Henleaze United Reformed Church. FFI

Other Groups In Our Region
There are Palestine groups around the South-West region including Bath, Bradford-on-Avon, Melksham, Frome, Worcester, Gloucester, Cheltenham, South Somerset, and beyond. Various universities have student groups including Bristol, UWE, and Bath; these depend on the energy of the current students so please get involved.

This bulletin is produced by the Bristol branch of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.
  • We meet the last Tuesday of every month (usually except August and December) 7.00–9.00 pm at Central Quaker Meeting House, Champion Square, Bristol BS2 9DB
  • Please “like” our Bristol Psc Facebook page
  • Our email is or simply reply to this email bulletin.
  • Get your friends to join our mailing list - pass on our contact details.
  • Email your info for publicity (keep it short and to the format used here)
  • Mailing Address Bristol-PSC c/o 35 Jamaica Street BS2 8JP
  • We encourage you to join National PSC HERE
If you no longer need these bulletins use the unsubscribe button at the end

Statement by the national Executive Committee of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (Sep 2011)
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) exists to build a mass solidarity movement on Palestine. It is founded on principles of justice, human rights, and opposition to all forms of racism. Any expression of racism or intolerance, or attempts to deny or minimise the holocaust have no place in our movement. Such sentiments are abhorrent in their own right and can only detract from the building of a strong movement in support of the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people. Bristol-PSC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

NOTE B-PSC mailing address is as above and NOT at Hydra Books stated below - it's just Mailchimp wont let us cu we haven't found the
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Bristol & West Palestine Bulletin You are receiving this email as you've expressed an interest in being kept in touch with Palestine-related events in Bristol or surrounding area. The diary is compiled by members of the Bristol Palestine Solidarity Campaign and sent out usually every month, but occasionally more often if there are special events.

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