COWFOLK!! Along with Sisters Uncut, the Kill The Bill Coalition and
Clapton CFC, I am organising a 16 team 6-a-side football tournament on
the 31st July and I have made sure there is a team put aside for the
Cowfolk to enter.
The tournament is between 10am-4pm at MABLEY GREEN, HACKNEY
There will be 16 teams and we are going to mix everyone up and ensure it's all mixed ability and mixed genders.
The teams attending will include 4 refugee teams, Clapton will have
2 teams, the Sisters Uncut Kill the Bill Coalition will have 4 teams
and hopefully we will have the Zapatistas in the UK in time to enter 2
teams themselves!!
On the day we will have a soundsystem, various stalls, talks, food,
music and drinks. After we finish at 4pm there will be celebrations on
the green!
I would love to see as many people there as can make it, to build solidarity, organise and have a great time!!
Love to all,
Jake xxxxx