Hi everyone,

It’s January payday – woo hoo!

Do you have any money left? Looking for something exciting to it?

Look no further than membership of the greatest club on earth. For £20 a year (£10 unwaged) you can:

·         Freeze your butt off every Thursday night for a small fee
·         Join a casual league team and have your butt whipped by younger fitter more sensible women
·         Access lol chat where you can receive up to 20 memes a day from Wendy – for free!
·         Be part of a beautiful sports and social club that will warm your cockles, open your mind, stand with you to protest against all the sh*t stuff in life and destroy your liver
·         Tour the world and play football and party with the best of humanity

Membership fees ensure that we always have cash reserves for kit (balls, cones, bibs etc.) and we can cover any shortfall if attendance for a particular session is low and subs don’t cover the cost of pitch hire or coaches. It also means that we can have an Ethical Fund, which supports members who can’t afford to take part in cowgirls activities, wider club members in crisis, community members in crisis and social / political causes that align with our ethos.

We usually ask everyone to pay in September but it looks like only 3 people have paid this year so we’re going to change the renewal date to January. If you’ve paid in the last 6 months then consider yourself paid up, if not please can you PAY NOW! As always, money is never a barrier so if you can’t afford it don’t worry about it, you’re still a cow.

£20 wages / £10 unwaged by bank transfer with "your first name - membership" in the reference:

Easton Cowgirls Women's Football Club
Sort Code: 089299
Account Number: 65168055

Much cow love,

The Cowmittee