Right, this might be a bit longer but please read this all the way through.
- Firstly, this is to confirm that we will be holding an AGM on Monday, 28/02 at 7.30pm IN PERSON (I will try very hard not to have Covid again) at the Easton Community Centre opposite the Plough.
- PLEASE COME! We are not scary and it’s not half as boring as it sounds. It’s a fab place to find out more about the club as a whole, chat through concerns / plans / ideas and generally get together off thepitch. No doubt we will head to the Plough after for a wee beverage. How about this: I’ll bring some cake / biscuits - anyone else fancy making something? Bring tea. Bring beer. Whatever takes your fancy. But please turn up.
- If you can’t be there for Covid / childcare / other decent reasons I’ll try to make it a hybrid meeting but most of us will know how well that works… (not). Remind me and I’ll send out a link.
- I will send out a full agenda closer to the time, but the main thing we will be doing is voting on the new cow-committee for the next year. I have attached a summary of the roles and who is doing them just now (sorry if I have missed anyone!). There is no guarantee that those who are currently in roles would want to do it again - so have a look and please consider standing for a role. This club will only run / function / work if we put in a wee bit of effort. It’s fun and you might learn something new - there’s no experience necessary, honest!
- On that note: I’d like to announce my intention to stand down as chair of the Easton Cowgirls Football Club. I’ve been doing it for about 1.5 years and it has been an amazing pleasure and honour to support this utterly shambolic family!!! It’s just that there’s a wee bit too much else going on for me right now with a new job and some other stuff so it’s all a wee bit exhausting. It’s an Auf Wiedersehen (bye for now) - who knows, I might stand again sometime in years to come! If anyone has any interest in stepping up please let me know!!! I am more than happy to mentor / shadow / support as much or as little as folk want.
- The minutes of the last meeting are attached - please have a peek as there’s a lot of important info in there. If anyone spots any mistakes please let me know!
- Fancy shiny shirts: I NEED YOUR ORDERS! If you would like a fancy shirt (not new kit, just pretty awesome shirts and shorts!) please let me know the answers to the list below. Thing is, the sizing is tiny as it appears that Italian firms cater mainly for tall skinny folk. I have therefore agreed with Tom from the Cowboys that we will be able to meet him this Saturday (12/02) at the Plough from 4pm to try on a shirt to get an idea. I think he has an M or an L to try… I will then figure something out as to how to get them here. The LAST DAY for orders is the day of the AGM - so the 28/02/2022!!!!
- Name
- What number you want on the back
- Whether you also want shorts (please don’t ask me precise costs - the cost of the whole thing is somewhere around £25-30, so without shorts it’ll likely be a wee bit less). I will try to find out by the AGM or even before.
- Couple of things about future dates:
- This Saturday, 12/02: meet outside Sports Direct in cowgirls kit / anything red and black, Palestine kit or colours to kick a ball about and raise awareness of the evil stupid feckers at Puma still sponsoring the Israeli Football Association.
- Tournament Fundraiser: the date has changed - the party of all parties (other than the tournament itself) will now happen on Saturday, 23/04 at All Hallows.
- Next Tournament Meeting: Monday, 07/03 at the Easton Community Centre (most likely).
- Saturday, 26/02 - next Casual League Match day. Watch out for further info about match times! And come to Brunel Academy to support :)
- Saturday, 26/02 - Cowgirls Christmas Meal 7pm, Gloucester Old Spot at Kellaway Avenue - if you’re not already signed up please speak to Wendle or me or someone else who seems to have a vague idea. Ideally ask Wendle about the menu, and then change your mind a couple of times ;)
- Did I mention there’s an AGM on Monday, 28/02 at the Easton Community Centre? I did? Ok, see you there!
That’s all I can think of for now. I’m sure I’ve forgotten something! Please send what I’ve forgotten and any agenda items for the meeting my way!
Ta muchly!
Shambolic Chair of the Easton Cowgirls Football Club