Hi all,
really sorry for the late notice but if anyone wants to go to Sheffield 1st
Sep for a mixed 8-a-side tourney let me know and I'll see if we can get
enough to register a team, or if they'd be happy for the odd person to slot
into other teams.
Please forward to all your teams on whatsapp etc and ask people to contact
me salwood82(a)gmail.com or 07718 13039.
Might be able to arrange transport...
Sal FW xx
*Mount Pleasant Park FC September tournament*
*WHERE:* Goodwin, Bramley Pitches, Sheffield
*WHEN:* Registration - 12:30pm | First game KO - 1pm | Finish - 5pm
*WHAT:* 8-a-side
*HOW MUCH:* TBC - but probably, £5 sub, £10 full per player - no one turned
away for lack of funds.
*Overview*As with all our tournaments, the focus is on having fun -
communicating and playing in a way that makes everyone feel welcome and
included. Teams will differ in terms of levels of confidence and
experience, and in other respects such as their gender make-up, but we
don't want any of that to affect anyone's enjoyment of the tournament.
Charities TBC!
- No slide tackles
- If you wear studs, please be mindful of challenges
- Kick ins from the sides
- Over head height is allowed from open play, goal kicks, kick ins and
- Going in the area is allowed - please be mindful of challenges and
50/50s with keepers!
- Shinpads recommended but not required
- Be kind – actively encourage others
- No vulgar language, discrimination or discouragement – keep it
*Club Policies*
We stand against all forms of discrimination. Anyone behaving at MPPFC
events on or off the pitch in a way which is sexist, homophobic,
transphobic, racist or disablist will be asked to stop and, depending on
the seriousness, may be asked to leave.
Football is obviously a contact sport. However, we don’t want any dangerous
tackles, or for players to be overly physical or aggressive. For example,
no slide tackling, and if you’re uncertain you can stop someone safely, do
not make a challenge (let them go, we don’t care about the score). Avoid
this even if you think someone can ‘take it’.
We expect members to communicate in a respectful and constructive way with
each other, and to encourage others less experiences people without being
patronising. We don’t want people shouting at teammates or opponents, or
bossing others around. Ultimately, we want members who play with a smile
and are prepared to laugh at themselves, while avoiding macho banter and
aggression. We’d also ask members try to avoid using gendered language on
the pitch (e.g. ‘man on’).
Taking responsibility
Be responsible for yourself. Check your own behaviour, and try to take your
cue from those around you. If someone calls you out for something you’ve
done or said, please don’t be put out, but listen. We all get it wrong, but
we’re all trying to make the space better. Be responsible for your
teammates and if you notice one of them getting wound up or overly physical
and aggressive, have a word with them and remind them it’s not that kind of
game. Back others up who do the same if needed.
We hope that most of this will be self-policing and that teams will take
collective responsibility. However, if there is an issue with another
player repeatedly not respecting the code of conduct, and are making others
uncomfortable, it can be brought to the committee who can mediate or
approach the player and attempt to resolve the issue. If the issue is
serious (e.g. relates to aggressive behaviour, racism, sexism, homophobia,
transphobia) and cannot be resolved, they may be asked to leave the
The club will take appropriate action if any complaint or issue is raised
by a player regarding another player's breach of the above club policies.
Depending on the behaviour, you may be asked to leave the tournament and
will not be able to attend future tournaments. If you have any concerns
about someone's behaviour and would like the club to help you deal with the
issue, please feel free to contact us. Complaints will be addressed by two
nominated committee members, contactable either by email or text.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: peacehando(a)yahoo.co.uk <peacehando(a)yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2024 at 10:33
Subject: Fw: MPPFC Autumn Tournament - Sunday 1st September
To: Sally Wood <salwood82(a)gmail.com>
----- Forwarded message -----
*From:* "MPPFC" <mountpleasantparkfc(a)gmail.com>
*To:* "peacehando(a)yahoo.co.uk" <peacehando(a)yahoo.co.uk>
*Sent:* Thu, 1 Aug 2024 at 13:48
*Subject:* MPPFC Autumn Tournament - Sunday 1st September
Hey Peace,
Hope you are well, we're hosting another tournament soon and would love to
have you along if you can make the journey up here!
*WHEN: *Sunday 1st September - 12:30pm - 5pm (KO 1PM)
*WHERE: *Goodwin, Bramley Pitches
*WHAT: *8-a-side tournament
Signup is here: https://forms.gle/9n1cc8RJTWGAmpFb7
Cost TBC, but probably, £5 sub, £10 full per player - no one turned away
for lack of funds.
*Mount Pleasant Park FC*
Website mountpleasantparkfc.wordpress.com
Follow us on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/MountPleasantParkFC> //
Twitter <https://twitter.com/MPP_FC>
Join the Facebook group <https://www.facebook.com/groups/170457059795076>
// WhatsApp announce list