Have you herd?
Tomorrow, 31st Jan, 1900, Easton Community Centre (NOT 1930, sometimes our meetings are at 1930 BUT NOT THIS ONE).
There's a very long and exciting agenda:
1. Cowmittee roles
2. Second training
3. Possible development team in the league
4. Finance
5. Copa Lurucia
6. Volunteering opps
7. International Women's Day stall
8. Cultural exchange with men's refugee team
9. Name game
10. AOB's - socials, tournaments, Big Ride,
Current Cowmittee role (I might be wrong, forgive me)
Current Chairs - current people happy to stay
Vice chair - happy to stay but quite busy so happy to step down if someone else wants it
Secretary - happy to stay but someone could buddy up with me if they want
Finance - happy to stay and this makes it a lot easier
Socials - happy to stay plus room for more
Social media - I don't know
Website - happy to stay
Political activities - happy to stay plus room for more
We have worked out strict timings so start thinking about what you'd like to say and try to say it really quicky.
See you tomorrow!
Hi everyone,
It’s January payday – woo hoo!
Do you have any money left? Looking for something exciting to it?
Look no further than membership of the greatest clubon earth. For £20 a year (£10 unwaged) you can:
· Freezeyour butt off every Thursday night for a small fee· Join a casualleague team and have your butt whipped by younger fitter more sensible women
· Access lolchat where you can receive up to 20 memes a day from Wendy – for free!
· Be part ofa beautiful sports and social club that will warm your cockles, open your mind,stand with you to protest against all the sh*t stuff in life and destroy yourliver· Tour the world and play football and party with thebest of humanity
Membership fees ensure that we always have cashreserves for kit (balls, cones, bibs etc.) and we can cover any shortfall ifattendance for a particular session is low and subs don’t cover the cost ofpitch hire or coaches. It also means that we can have an Ethical Fund, which supportsmembers who can’t afford to take part in cowgirls activities, wider clubmembers in crisis, community members in crisis and social / political causesthat align with our ethos.
We usually ask everyone to pay in September but itlooks like only 3 people have paid this year so we’re going to change therenewal date to January. If you’ve paid in the last 6 months then consideryourself paid up, if not please can you PAY NOW! As always, money is never abarrier so if you can’t afford it don’t worry about it, you’re still a cow.
£20 wages / £10 unwaged by bank transfer with "yourfirst name - membership" in the reference:
Easton Cowgirls Women's Football Club
Sort Code: 089299
Account Number: 65168055
Much cow love,
The Cowmittee
Ey up cows old and new,
me and Tam had a chat today and have come up with the idea of starting a
group for *retired, injured or otherwise non-footballing Cowgirls*.
The primary aim is for those who are no longer going to training to stay
connected and keep a sense of belonging to the club - whether it’s through
other sporting activities, wider club activities/tours or any other special
adventure that comes our way. The idea is that it's definitely *not a place
to chat football* - which can be a bit sad/isolating for folks who can't
play any more. Many retirees are no longer on the various chats so miss out
on stuff, and might also feel like they're no longer welcome at team events
if they don't play any more - which is nobody's fault, but this is just to
plug that gap.
It may also become a place where new folk who want to be involved with the
ethos of the Cowgirls but for whatever reason don't want to play football
can get involved and get to know us, but we can see how it evolves.
The link to join the whatsapp group is:
Remember... ‘Once a Cowgirl, Always a Cowgirl’ ❤️
Hi Cows,
That time has rolled round again... it's the one you've all been waiting for.... IT'S THE AGM!
When? Tuesday 31st January 1900 - 2030 In person. I can try to set up a hybrid meeting on zoom if folk need.
Where? Easton Community Centre Kilburn St, Easton, Bristol BS5 6AW.
Why? The main item is to vote in the new cowmittee for next year. Some members of the current cowmittee may want to step down after doing an almighty job over the past year, others may want to continue to hold the power that lies in their hands. Attached is a list of roles and who currently does them.
Cowmittee roles and names Feb 2022-Jan 2023.docx<https://1drv.ms/w/s!AoVRCqErSvUfiBrSxSWcXbb4jzo2>.
Also on the agenda:
* How to manage a second training session, where, who runs it, when etc (anyone else have a feeling of deja vu?!)
* Round up the discussion on our name
* Feelings about our online presence
* Social events
* Volunteering opportunities
* Christmas meal
* Anything else on your mind. Please let me know and I'll add it to the agenda.
For those who have not attended a meeting before, it's a really great way of getting to know the club and how things work so please come along even if you don't say a word. If you have an idea about how to improve things or you want to share your perspective on what is working well, come on down and stick your oar in. The club only works as well as it does because people do stuff to make it work. You could be one of those people who do stuff.
Bring snacks, ideas, a drink, your rabbit, concerns, a hat, plans or a blanket. Or nothing, just turn up.
I attach the minutes from our last QGM for your perusal.
Big Cow Love,
PS I doubt Madonna will be there, but who knows......