Hello all keen footballers,
Sensi and I have noticed that St Pauli FC *really* need more players due to illness and injury.
Tonight is the deadline to join this years's fantastic casual league.
Please contact Hannah or Sensi if you would like to join.
Many thanks,
Your chairs,
Sensi and Hannah
Thought this might be of interest, on this Sunday at 6pm at Ill Repute on
Old Market £8/5
*Les Rebelles du Foot/Football Rebels*
(Gilles Perez and Gilles Rof, France, 2014, 92m)
Eric Cantona presents Football Rebels, the stories of five football
heroes whose social conscience led them to challenge unjust
regimes, join opposition movements and lead the fight for
democracy and human rights. Focusing onplayers such as
Mekloufi, Sócrates, Pasic, Caszely and Didier Drogba, this is a
look at a side of football that does not always make the
Hi all,
At the cowgirls meeting I spoke about the "Don't Pay" campaign asking us to stop paying our energy bills. https://dontpay.uk
Liz Truss's back peddling about holding the energy prices means are bills are now going to sore again in April.
I would really encourage you all to have a look at the website, especially the FAQ's and sign up. They will only ask people to strike when 1 Millon people commit.
I was initially dubious as I have anxiety about debt, missed payments and bad credit. But the FAQ's really reassured me. Even if you withhold your payment for a few weeks (before it effects your credit) this will still have a huge impact.
In the past these campaigns have worked. One example would be the resistance to the Poll Tax: more than 17 million people refused to pay and it became impossible for the government to force people to pay. Even then many people were scared to act and not pay the tax. But as confidence grew and local Poll Tax Groups were formed to support each other, it became socially acceptable to not pay. Tens of thousands of liability orders were issued forcing people to pay - but people refused and eventually the Poll Tax was scrapped.
A more recent example was the non-payment campaign against Southern Water in Kent in 2020 after they were fined £90 million for dumping raw sewage into the sea. Outraged by those costs being passed onto consumers, a non-payment campaign took off and eventually residents won by getting 50% taken off their bills.
Don’t Pay<https://dontpay.uk/>
The Plan: It's simple: we are demanding a reduction of energy bills to an affordable level. Our leverage is that we will gather a million people to pledge not to pay if the government doesn't step in to make sure no one goes cold or hungry this winter.
From: Don't Pay <info(a)dontpay.uk>
Sent: 17 October 2022 17:06
To: scruffylittlevera(a)hotmail.co.uk <scruffylittlevera(a)hotmail.co.uk>
Subject: BREAKING: energy prices set to double in April!
The government just U-TURNED on the Energy Price Guarantee.
They’re making us pay for their failures.
The Truss government is in total meltdown. They’ve scrapped their mini-budget – and announced the Energy Price Guarantee will only freeze prices for 6 months, not 2 years. Energy prices are already unaffordable – now we face average bills doubling to £5,000 in April.
The only guarantee they can give is that energy companies will make billions while we suffer. They tried to cut taxes for the rich and the corporations profiting off our misery, and yet again we’re the ones who have to foot the bill.
But our campaign has already forced the government to intervene once. We can do it again. Only a mass non-payment strike can prevent more catastrophic price hikes, and secure a fair price for power for us all.
We have to say we won’t pay for their profits any longer – now it’s up to all of us to build the strike. So reach out to your friends and neighbours, link up with your local group and help spread the strike!
TWITTER <https://click.actionnetwork.org/ss/c/dSCQfi9FLISmU3ZE3bfPhupMz6rtAmIccEKia9…>
FACEBOOK <https://click.actionnetwork.org/ss/c/atcYNHk4Eh2YdGnwBh-YDPAZiEt8wwS6hp5wOI…>
WHATSAPP <https://click.actionnetwork.org/ss/c/P8Elou2Rvc0qoMPEUZrMXSIMv54RvoIVRHG6Dr…>
Sent via ActionNetwork.org<https://click.actionnetwork.org/ss/c/O93kI8o-kT9cRvZ9zJLPP23W7H9qpHR7DTBpQ5…>. To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Don't Pay UK, please click here<https://click.actionnetwork.org/ss/c/P8Elou2Rvc0qoMPEUZrMXcOpy_XqN4R2ZGjoK-…>.
Please see attached.
Feedback encouraged
I’ve also have feedback that a number of the older cowboys are already boycotting the World Cup and suggested we ask members to pay a fee per game if they want to watch.
They’ve suggested this goes to amnesty
Sent from Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef>
Morning Herd,
Please find attached the minutes from Tuesday's QGM. Get in touch with the Cowmittee if you have anything to contribute/say.
The most urgent issue is to boycott or not (the World Cup) so start thinking about this please.
*Re the Autumnal walk 23rd October*....
Meet at Symonds Yat in in the Wye Valley at 1030am. We're aiming for a 3
hour walk which will allow for faff, pottering, getting lost. Then a pint
at Saracens head pub.
Please bring good footwear and a packed lunch.
Any drivers can you lemme know if you have space to take people xx