Attached are the minutes of the EGM on Monday. Please give me a shout if there’s anything shockingly inaccurate.
Hopefully see you in the park later!!! (although I still can’t play… boohoo!)
Much cow love,
Hello lovely Cows
I'm organising a monthly Cowgirl roast at the Plough, this will be great to
give the Plough (our HQ and womb) our much needed custom! Also a great way
for us to meet up, see eachother's fluffy faces and eat delicious roast
The roasts will provisionally be the last Sunday of every month. Vegan,
veggie and gluten free are all catered for.
25th October Jimmy has us booked in for 4pm, however I meed numbers for him.
Anyone that's up for this pop me an email asap.
Cheers Badgers!
Wendle xx
Hi all, just to make you aware we had a complaint from city academy that staff saw some people with incorrect footwear. If you are unsure about your boots please check with myself or Harry. This week they are likely to be super vigilant and may turn you away.
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Hi all, please see attached and below information about training tomorrow.
It will commence at 19:40
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From: Eldean Johnson - CAB <Eldean.Johnson(a)clf.uk>
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2020 4:30 pm
To: scruffylittlevera(a)hotmail.co.uk
Cc: Karen Miller - CAB; Donna Stark - CAB
Subject: Re: Fw: Easton Cowgirls Risk Assessment and Public Liability insurance
Hi Susannah,
I can confirm that Easton Cowgirls can commence training as of 24.9.20, due to Covid measures that we have had to adopt your booking time will be 19:40 - 20:35. I have also attached some relevant documents for you to pass on to your coaches and players.
From: Karen Miller - CAB <Karen.Miller(a)clf.uk>
Sent: 23 September 2020 15:00
To: Eldean Johnson - CAB <Eldean.Johnson(a)clf.uk>
Subject: Fw: Fw: Easton Cowgirls Risk Assessment and Public Liability insurance
Karen Miller
Deputy Facilities Manager
City Academy
0117 9542 818
Ext: 225
From: Becs Swist <rebecca.swist(a)gmail.com>
Sent: 22 September 2020 09:38
To: Susannah Mallaghan <scruffylittlevera(a)hotmail.co.uk>; Karen Miller - CAB <Karen.Miller(a)clf.uk>
Subject: Re: Fw: Easton Cowgirls Risk Assessment and Public Liability insurance
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organisation. Be cautious before clicking on links or opening attachments from any email unless you can confirm the sender and know the content is safe. Please be aware of emails appearing to be from trusted sources. If in any doubt, please forward the email to spam(a)clf.uk<mailto:spam@clf.uk>
Please find attached the amended risk assessment as requested.
Kind regards,
On Thu, 17 Sep 2020 at 13:42, Susannah Mallaghan <scruffylittlevera(a)hotmail.co.uk<mailto:scruffylittlevera@hotmail.co.uk>> wrote:
Hi Becs,
Can you amend the doc as below.
From: Karen Miller - CAB <Karen.Miller(a)clf.uk<mailto:Karen.Miller@clf.uk>>
Sent: 17 September 2020 12:50
To: Susannah Mallaghan <scruffylittlevera(a)hotmail.co.uk<mailto:scruffylittlevera@hotmail.co.uk>>
Subject: Re: Easton Cowgirls Risk Assessment and Public Liability insurance
Hi Susannah
Many thanks for the Risk Assessment that you sent yesterday, unfortunately you will need to change a few things,
Who is at risk - we are not allowing observers / friend on to the site so this needs to be removed.
What is being done to alleviate Risk - again no spectators so Carers and guardians are permitted needs to be removed
Spreading Covid-19 through equipment - the bit it is called football after all ....needs to be removed
The best bit is in your important note "so please dont f.....this up" and the bit "and agree not to be a d*ck"
We did have a laugh but this is an official document so it must be correct.
Kind regards
Karen Miller
Deputy Facilities Manager
City Academy
0117 9542 818
Ext: 225
From: Susannah Mallaghan <scruffylittlevera(a)hotmail.co.uk<mailto:scruffylittlevera@hotmail.co.uk>>
Sent: 16 September 2020 15:31
To: Karen Miller - CAB <Karen.Miller(a)clf.uk<mailto:Karen.Miller@clf.uk>>
Subject: Easton Cowgirls Risk Assessment and Public Liability insurance
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organisation. Be cautious before clicking on links or opening attachments from any email unless you can confirm the sender and know the content is safe. Please be aware of emails appearing to be from trusted sources. If in any doubt, please forward the email to spam(a)clf.uk<mailto:spam@clf.uk>
Hi Karen,
Further to my call, attached is the risk assessment.
Our Public Liability insurance is provided as part of our FA Affiliation. I have requested a copy of this from Gloucestershire FA and I will forward as soon as it arrives. We have paid for our affiliation for this season so it is currently active.
Thanks, Sus
Chair of Easton Cowgirls WFC
Cabot Learning Federation is committed to ensuring the security and protection of the information that we are entrusted with. This message is private and confidential and may also be privileged. If you receive this message in error, please accept our apology, notify us and delete it from your system without making any copies or disclosing the contents to any other person. Thank you. Cabot Learning Federation is a company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 06207590. Registered office: Federation House, King's Oak Academy, Brook Road, Bristol, BS15 4JT.
Further information about Cabot Learning Federation can be found here.<https://www.clf.uk/ceo-welcome/>
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Cabot Learning Federation is committed to ensuring the security and protection of the information that we are entrusted with. This message is private and confidential and may also be privileged. If you receive this message in error, please accept our apology, notify us and delete it from your system without making any copies or disclosing the contents to any other person. Thank you. Cabot Learning Federation is a company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 06207590. Registered office: Federation House, King's Oak Academy, Brook Road, Bristol, BS15 4JT.
Further information about Cabot Learning Federation can be found here.<https://www.clf.uk/ceo-welcome/>
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Final message regarding tonight. Due to the new rules we can only stay at plough until 21:55. To help them prepare I need to send any food orders prior to us going. So if you are planning to come to the plough after training and would like to order food. Can you take a look at menu and either msg me your order or tell me when you arrive tonight. Thanks
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Hi all, I’ve just read through the info and we have to hand in a register of players before entry. So please arrive promptly at 19:30 so we can ensure we are pitch ready at 19:40
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Hi all,
We should hopefully be moving to City Academy this week but we are still waiting for confirmation and times may be slightly different.
They have very strict footwear rules. So please ensure you have the correct footwear.
See attached.
As soon as it is confirmed I will email. If you would prefer to be added to our new information only WhatsApp group please reply with your mobile. (Don’t reply all)
Thanks all, Soooooz
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Can anyone volunteer to keep the womens footy web page updated e.g. with
training times/locations? It's dead easy, I just need to give you some log
in info and basic instructions. You need access to a laptop and internet
(probably a bit hard to do on your phone, plus the mobile view of the
website isn't really working yet).
It won't need updating often.
I would be eternally grateful! It's little jobs like this that keep the
team running.
Sal x