We will be having our cowgirls quarterly meeting via zoom on Thursday 9th July at 19:30. Please send any agenda items but we will def be discussing how and when we commence training.
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Hi yous,
who's got the Cowgirls training kit bag? It won't have been used since we
were at Eastville Park or even before Mark started coaching us so might be
hidden away somewhere. I want to take it off your hands and amalgamate it
with the one I have.
Sal x
I hope that this is a good way of contacting you. I think that my colleague, Rozzy, sent an email yesterday, but I just wanted to double up in case we missed you!
I work for a TV production company in Bristol called Off The Fence. We make some of the short films that appear on The One Show on BBC One, and we are currently working on a film for the programme about the Italia '90 Football World Cup.
We were wondering if anyone in the Easton Cowpeople teams would like to be involved?
This summer marks 30 years since the tournament, so we are looking for a few people around Bristol to participate in a quick and easy interview about your memories of Italia '90; we know many people still have a lot to say about it all these years later! So if you're that person who still gets teary-eyed when you think about Gazza's yellow card or when you hear the song 'Nessun Dorma,' we'd love to hear from you!
We hope to do the filming on Thursday and we would only need about 20 minutes of your time. Of course, all filming will adhere to social distancing. If you'd like to be involved but aren't free on Thursday - or you are self-isolating - it might still be possible to submit a video message for the film, so do please get in touch! For those of you who are willing and able to get out, it would be awesome to get a few of you together and kitted up for the interview... so get in touch if you'd be up for this!
We'd also be interested in hearing from people from the 24 different countries that competed in Italia '90, so if that's you, please let us know.
For more information please just drop either me or Rozzy an email at isaac.stirling(a)offthefence.com or rozzy.adams(a)offthefence.com
Thanks so much in advance for your time, and looking forward to hearing from you,
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> From: Bridget
> Dear Cows
> I hope you are all ok in these times of trouble.
> The cow committee are planning some fundraising and anti racism awareness raising stuff soon, but in the meantime there is a protest on College Green at 2pm on Sunday to stand in solidarity against the systematic and institutional racism in the this country as well as the US.
> Also here are some links to some organisations that need you. Also below is a message from Sal about a photo project that we’re doing. Peace and love, Bridget.
> Donate to the George Floyd Memorial fund here.
> Donate to the official Black Lives Matter campaign here.
> Donate to the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust.
> Donate to The Bail Project here.
> Donate to the Belly Mujinga memorial fund here.
> Donate to the Ahmaud Arbery memorial fund here.
> Donate to The Movement For Black Lives here.
> Petitions
> Sign the Justice for George Floyd petition here.
> Sign the petition for #WeCantBreathe here.
> Sign the Justice for Belly Mujinga petition here.
> Sign the Justice for Breonna Taylor petition here.
> Message from Sal:
> For those who aren't on facebook, I posted this a couple of days ago:
> As this is really in the public eye right now, a few of us had the idea of making a collage of photos of as many of us as possible holding a sheet of paper with the name of a POC who has been killed in police custody, especially here in the UK. As the list is hundreds long (or more!) it may get so big that you can't read the names any more, but I think that only adds to the point.
> We're collating a spreadsheet of names. Please add to it if you can and/or pick a name, write your name next to theirs and then take a photo of yourself holding an A4 sheet of paper with their name on in front of your chest, like a mug shot. Then send it to me.
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jpciJ2pGpr95pPxUxP-I5kYwadfRgL_jAPP…
> https://eastoncowfolk.org.uk/2020/05/30/stop-killing-black-people/
> https://www.facebook.com/groups/2417512852/permalink/10158583866847853/
> Sent from my iPhone
Hey all!
Hope everyone is doing ok! Just a reminder we are still doing our weekly training on zoom for anyone who wants to join in. Here’s the details:
Meeting ID: 177 329 651
Marcella has been doing an amazing HITT workout for us from 7:30 for 30mins and then after that we just chat. Anyone is welcome to come and go as they want. Just come for the workout or just come for the chat it’s just nice to have a chance to see people!
:-) x
Harriet Hoare
(+44) 07709 348 937