[OOTB-hive] Tesseract OCR Consuming more than 100% CPU

Anand K anand.k at dieutek.com
Mon Oct 12 19:33:49 BST 2020


We recently delivered Alfresco Comunity 6.2 with Tesseract OCR to a
particular Client in a CentOS-based server.

OCR was integrated successfully.

The client applied Business Rule on a folder and the files were pushed to
the folder through API from different 3rd party applications.

Whenever OCR is applied, the CPU usage is high and Alfresco gets stuck
during this such that no other operations can be done on it.

Can you please help us resolve this issue? I read somewhere about
allocating a separate server for OCR alone. We don't have much experience
with the same. Can you please help us?

*Thanks and Regards,Anand Kurian*
*Chief Executive Officer*
*Mob:  +91 9496821365*
*          +91 7012287156*
*e-mail:* anand.k at dieutek.com
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