[OOTB-hive] ***SPAM*** Re: Support for Alfresco project

Younes REGAIEG y.regaieg at gmail.com
Thu Nov 7 08:34:50 GMT 2019

Hi Silvia,

Please check out this page <https://orderofthebee.net/professionals/> of our website, containing a list of professionals (companies/freelancers) who can help you integrate your community edition.


> On 6 Nov 2019, at 11:01, Sturzebecher, Silvia <silvia.sturzebecher at dsv-gruppe.de> wrote:
> Dear sir and madam,
> we are currently investigating in a software for a client project and came accross Alfresco plattform.
> Most of the features we need are standard features available in alfresco community edition, but as you probably know, „out of the box“ never works 100%, therefore we will need to make some adjustments. Additionally we would need help to set up the system propperly and get the right coporate design implemented.
> As we do not have the expertise to implement the changes we need, I’m looking for a potential partner to help us out.
> During my search I came across your website and now I’m hopeing you can give me a hint on how I could proceed.
> We are based in Germany so a freelancer or a partner in Germany would be great, but is not mandatory. (Please excuse my English, it’s gotten a little rusty)
> Thanks a lot for your help in advance.
> Kind regards
> Silvia Sturzebecher
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